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Get a list of available audio devices on the NVIDIA hardware

Since R2021a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the MATLAB Coder Support Package for NVIDIA Jetson and NVIDIA DRIVE Platforms add-on.


audiolist = listAudioDevices(hwObj,audioType) returns a list of Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) audio devices connected to your NVIDIA® hardware. The type of listed audio devices (capture or playback) depends on the audioType specified in the function.



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To list ALSA audio input devices connected to the hardware:

Create a connection to the NVIDIA hardware.

hwobj = jetson('jetson-board-name','ubuntu','ubuntu');

Use the listAudioDevices function. In the function, specify audioType as 'capture'. The function returns a structured array with field names that correspond to the properties of ALSA audio input devices connected to the jetson object.

devices = listAudioDevices(hwobj,'capture')
devices = 

  1×2 struct array with fields:


In this example, the function returns a 1-by-2 array, indicating that two audio input devices are connected to the jetson object.

View the properties of the first ALSA audio input device. For example,

ans = 

  struct with fields:
         Name: 'USB-Audio-PlantronicsBlackwire325.1↵
       Device: '2,0'
     Channels: {'2'}
     BitDepth: {'16-bit integer'}
 SamplingRate: {'8000'  '48000'} 

To list all connected ALSA audio output devices:

Create a connection to the NVIDIA hardware.

hwobj = jetson('jetson-board-name','ubuntu','ubuntu');

Use the listAudioDevices function. In the function, specify audioType as 'playback'. The function returns a structured array with field names that correspond to the properties of ALSA audio output devices connected to the jetson object.

devices = listAudioDevices(hwobj, 'playback')
devices = 

  struct with fields:
            Name: 'USB-Audio-PlantronicsBlackwire325.1↵
          Device: '2,0'
        Channels: {'2'}
        BitDepth: {'16-bit integer'}
    SamplingRate: {'8000'  '48000'}

In this example, the function returns a 1-by-1 array, indicating that one audio output devices is connected to the jetson object.

Input Arguments

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Connection to a specific NVIDIA hardware board, specified as a jetson or drive object.

Specify the type of audio to be listed:

  • 'capture' — ALSA audio input devices connected to the NVIDIA hardware.

  • 'playback' — ALSA audio output devices connected to the NVIDIA hardware.

Example: audiolist = listAudioDevices(hwObj,'playback')

Output Arguments

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The type of listed audio devices depends on the audioType specified in the function. The resulting structured array contains these details:

  • Name: The name of the audio device.

  • Device: The device identifier for the audio device: the card number and the device number, separated by a comma.

  • Channels: The number of channels supported by the audio device. For example, in List Available ALSA Audio Output Devices, the audio device supports audio from two channels only.

  • BitDepth: The data type in which the audio device reads or sends data.

  • SamplingRate: The sample rates supported by the audio device.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

See Also

