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Characteristic information about DPD input data preprocessor

Since R2024b


S = info(dpdin) returns characteristic information about the DPD input data preprocessor.



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Configure a dpdPreprocessor object with the PA memory depth set to 4 and the PA nonlinearity degree set to 3.

paMemDepth = 4;
paNonlinDeg = 3;
paPreprocessor = dpdPreprocessor(paMemDepth,paNonlinDeg);

Generate random QAM-modulated symbols, apply DPD preprocessing, and show the size of the augmented DPD preprocessor input returned.

M = 16; % 16-QAM
x = randi([0 M-1],10e3,1);
qamRefSym = single(qammod(x,M));
paScalingFactor = 40;
paInputFeatures = paPreprocessor(qamRefSym*paScalingFactor);
ans = 1×2

       10000          16

Show the characteristic information of the DPD preprocessor object.

ans = struct with fields:
    NumFeatures: 16

Input Arguments

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DPD input data preprocessor, specified as a dpdPreprocessor System object™

Output Arguments

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Characteristic information about the DPD input data preprocessor object, returned as a scalar structure. Default content includes this fields.

Total number of features, returned as a positive integer.

Version History

Introduced in R2024b