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Standalone Applications

Create standalone applications from MATLAB® functions

You can deploy MATLAB code as a standalone application using MATLAB Compiler™ and share it royalty-free with other users. A standalone application can be an app designed using MATLAB App Designer or GUIDE, or it can be a command-line executable. The target system running a standalone application requires a MATLAB Runtime installation to run the application. It does not require a licensed copy of MATLAB. For details, see Download and Install MATLAB Runtime.

To create standalone applications from Simulink® simulations, use Simulink Compiler.

Standalone applications can be created using the function, or the mcc command, or the Application Compiler app.


Application CompilerPackage MATLAB programs for deployment as standalone applications


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deploytoolOpen a list of application deployment apps
mccCompile MATLAB functions for deployment
createDeploymentScriptCreate a deployment script from a MATLAB Compiler PRJ file (Since R2022b) standalone application for deployment outside MATLAB (Since R2020b) a standalone application for deployment outside MATLAB that does not launch a Windows command shell (Since R2020b) for building standalone applications (Since R2020b) build results object (Since R2020b)
compiler.package.installerCreate an installer for files generated by MATLAB Compiler (Since R2020a)
compiler.package.InstallerOptionsOptions for creating MATLAB Compiler package installers (Since R2020a)
compiler.runtime.customInstallerCreate a MATLAB Runtime installer for the specified files generated by MATLAB Compiler (Since R2024b)
compiler.package.dockerCreate a Docker image for files generated by MATLAB Compiler on Linux operating systems (Since R2020b)
compiler.package.DockerOptionsCreate a Docker options object (Since R2020b)
compiler.runtime.createDockerImageCreate a Docker image that contains MATLAB Runtime (Since R2023b)
compiler.codetools.deployableSupportPackagesDetermine support packages used by files (Since R2021b)
ctfrootLocation of files related to deployed application
isdeployedDetermine whether code is running in deployed or MATLAB mode
ismccTest if code is running during compilation process (using mcc)
mcrversionReturn MATLAB Runtime version number that matches MATLAB version
%#functionPragma to help MATLAB Compiler locate functions called through feval, eval, Handle Graphics callback, or objects loaded from MAT-files
%#excludeIgnore file or function dependencies during MATLAB Compiler dependency analysis (Since R2020a)


Create Standalone Applications

Customize Applications

Package to Docker


Parallel Computing

Dependency Analysis

Best Practices
