MATLAB Compiler SDK Python Target Requirements
Use the MATLAB® desktop to author MATLAB code and MATLAB Compiler SDK™ to generate Python® packages from MATLAB code.
System and Product Requirements
System Dependencies
The following products must be installed alongside MATLAB Compiler SDK:
MATLAB Compiler™
MATLAB Compiler SDK generated artifacts require MATLAB Runtime during execution. You can include MATLAB Runtime in an installer for your Python package or install it separately. For details, see Download and Install MATLAB Runtime.
Supported Python Versions
For an up-to-date list of Python versions supported by MATLAB Compiler SDK, see MATLAB Supported Interfaces to Other Languages. You can download and install Python from
Note: MathWorks does not support CPython versions installed from the Microsoft® store. For additional information, see Configure Your System to Use Python.
Data API
The matlab
Python module facilitates data exchange between MATLAB and Python. For more information about converting between Python and MATLAB data types, see Pass Data Between MATLAB and Python.
The matlab
module can be accessed within your Python code if you have either MATLAB or MATLAB Runtime installed on your system and their respective installation paths are added
to your system's environment variables (PATH). For information on adding MATLAB Runtime to your system path, see Set MATLAB Runtime Path for Deployment.
Development Environment
Use a code editor to write a Python application that integrates your generated Python package. Import the package in your Python application to call the exported MATLAB functions. For instructions on installing and integrating Python packages, see Install and Import MATLAB Compiler SDK Python Packages.