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Bloomberg EMSX C++ Interface

Create and maintain orders, routes, and strategies through Bloomberg® EMSX using the Bloomberg EMSX C++ interface

Create a Bloomberg EMSX connection using the Bloomberg EMSX C++ interface. Using this connection, you can manage orders, routes, and strategies, and retrieve information. For details about the EMSX API, see the EMSX API Programmers Guide.


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bloombergEMSXCreate Bloomberg EMSX connection (Since R2021a)
ordersObtain Bloomberg EMSX order subscription (Since R2021a)
routesObtain Bloomberg EMSX route subscription (Since R2021a)
closeClose Bloomberg EMSX connection (Since R2021a)
createOrderCreate Bloomberg EMSX order (Since R2021a)
routeOrderRoute Bloomberg EMSX order (Since R2021a)
routeOrderWithStratRoute Bloomberg EMSX order with strategies (Since R2021a)
groupRouteOrderRoute group of Bloomberg EMSX orders (Since R2021a)
groupRouteOrderWithStratRoute group of Bloomberg EMSX orders with strategies (Since R2021a)
createOrderAndRouteCreate and route Bloomberg EMSX order (Since R2021a)
createOrderAndRouteWithStratCreate and route Bloomberg EMSX order with strategies (Since R2021a)
createBasketCreate basket of Bloomberg EMSX orders (Since R2021a)
manualFillFill Bloomberg EMSX orders manually (Since R2021a)
modifyOrderModify Bloomberg EMSX order (Since R2021a)
modifyRouteModify Bloomberg EMSX route (Since R2021a)
modifyRouteWithStratModify Bloomberg EMSX route with strategies (Since R2021a)
deleteOrderDelete Bloomberg EMSX order (Since R2021a)
deleteRouteDelete Bloomberg EMSX active shares (Since R2021a)
processEventSample Bloomberg EMSX event handler (Since R2021a)
getBrokerInfoObtain Bloomberg EMSX broker and strategy information (Since R2021a)
getAllFieldMetaDataObtain Bloomberg EMSX field information (Since R2021a)


Bloomberg EMSX Connection

Bloomberg EMSX Order Management