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Delete Bloomberg EMSX order

Since R2021a


events = deleteOrder(c,ordernum) deletes a Bloomberg® EMSX order using the Bloomberg EMSX connection c with the Bloomberg EMSX C++ interface and order number or structure ordernum. deleteOrder returns a status message using the default event handler.


events = deleteOrder(c,ordernum,'timeOut',timeout) specifies a timeout value timeout for the execution of the default event handler.


deleteOrder(___,'useDefaultEventHandler',false) deletes a Bloomberg EMSX order using any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes and a custom event handler. Write a custom event handler to process the events associated with deleting orders. This syntax does not have an output argument because the custom event handler processes the contents of the event queue. If you want to use the default event handler instead, set the flag 'useDefaultEventHandler' to true and use the events output argument. By default, the flag 'useDefaultEventHandler' is set to true.


___ = deleteOrder(c,ordernum,options) uses the options structure to customize the output, which is useful to preconfigure and save your options for repeated use. The available options structure fields are timeOut and useDefaultEventHandler. Use the events output argument when useDefaultEventHandler is set to true and omit this output argument when useDefaultEventHandler is set to false.



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To delete a Bloomberg EMSX order, create the connection c using emsx, set up the order subscription using orders, and create an order using createOrder. For an example showing these activities, see Create and Manage Bloomberg EMSX Order Using Bloomberg EMSX C++ Interface.

Define the structure ordernum that contains the order sequence number EMSX_SEQUENCE for the order to delete.

ordernum.EMSX_SEQUENCE = 335877;

Delete the order using the Bloomberg EMSX connection c and ordernum.

events = deleteOrder(c,ordernum)
events = 
      STATUS: '0'
     MESSAGE: 'Order deleted'

The default event handler processes the events associated with deleting the order. deleteOrder returns events as a structure that contains these fields:

  • Bloomberg EMSX status

  • Bloomberg EMSX message

Unsubscribe from order events using the Bloomberg EMSX subscription list object subs. This code assumes orders creates subs.


Close the Bloomberg EMSX connection.


To delete a Bloomberg EMSX order, create the connection c using emsx, set up the order subscription using orders, and create an order using createOrder. For an example showing these activities, see Create and Manage Bloomberg EMSX Order Using Bloomberg EMSX C++ Interface.

Delete the order using the Bloomberg EMSX connection c and the order sequence number 335877 for the order to delete.

events = deleteOrder(c,335877)
events = 
      STATUS: '0'
     MESSAGE: 'Order deleted'

The default event handler processes the events associated with deleting the order. deleteOrder returns events as a structure that contains these fields:

  • Bloomberg EMSX status

  • Bloomberg EMSX message

Unsubscribe from order events using the Bloomberg EMSX subscription list object subs. This code assumes orders creates subs.


Close the Bloomberg EMSX connection.


To delete a Bloomberg EMSX order, create the connection c using emsx, set up the order subscription using orders, and create an order using createOrder. For an example showing these activities, see Create and Manage Bloomberg EMSX Order Using Bloomberg EMSX C++ Interface.

Define the structure ordernum that contains the order sequence number EMSX_SEQUENCE for the order to delete.

ordernum.EMSX_SEQUENCE = 335877;

Delete the order using the Bloomberg EMSX connection c and ordernum. Set the timeout value to 200 milliseconds.

events = deleteOrder(c,ordernum,'timeOut',200)
events = 

     STATUS: '0'
    MESSAGE: 'Order deleted'

The default event handler processes the events associated with deleting the order. deleteOrder returns events as a structure that contains these fields:

  • Bloomberg EMSX status

  • Bloomberg EMSX message

Unsubscribe from order events using the Bloomberg EMSX subscription list object subs. This code assumes orders creates subs.


Close the Bloomberg EMSX connection.


To delete a Bloomberg EMSX order, create the Bloomberg EMSX connection c using emsx, set up the order subscription using orders, and create an order using createOrder. For an example showing these activities, see Create and Manage Bloomberg EMSX Order Using Bloomberg EMSX C++ Interface.

Define the structure ordernum that contains the order sequence number EMSX_SEQUENCE for the order to delete.

ordernum.EMSX_SEQUENCE = 335877;

Suppose you create a custom event handler function called eventhandler with input argument c. Run eventhandler using timer. Start the timer to run eventhandler immediately using start. For details, see Writing and Running Custom Event Handler Functions.

t = timer('TimerFcn',{@c.eventhandler},'Period',1,...

t is the MATLAB® timer object. For details, see timer.

Delete the order using the Bloomberg EMSX connection c and ordernum. Set the flag 'useDefaultEventHandler' to false so that eventhandler processes the events associated with deleting an order.


Unsubscribe from order events using the Bloomberg EMSX subscription list object subs. This code assumes orders creates subs. Stop the timer to stop data updates using stop.


If you are done processing data updates, delete the timer using delete.


Close the Bloomberg EMSX connection.


To delete a Bloomberg EMSX order, create the connection c using emsx, set up the order subscription using orders, and create an order using createOrder. For an example showing these activities, see Create and Manage Bloomberg EMSX Order Using Bloomberg EMSX C++ Interface.

Define the structure ordernum that contains the order sequence number EMSX_SEQUENCE for the order to delete.

ordernum.EMSX_SEQUENCE = 335877;

Create a structure options. To use the default event handler, set the field useDefaultEventHandler to true. Set the field timeOut to 200 milliseconds. Delete the order using the Bloomberg EMSX connection c, ordernum, and options structure options.

options.useDefaultEventHandler = true;
options.timeOut = 200;

events = deleteOrder(c,ordernum,options)
events = 

     STATUS: '0'
    MESSAGE: 'Order deleted'

The default event handler processes the events associated with deleting the order. deleteOrder returns events as a structure that contains these fields:

  • Bloomberg EMSX status

  • Bloomberg EMSX message

Unsubscribe from order events using the Bloomberg EMSX subscription list object subs. This code assumes orders creates subs.


Close the Bloomberg EMSX connection.


Input Arguments

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Bloomberg EMSX service connection, specified as a bloombergEMSX object.

Order numbers to delete, specified as a structure or an integer to denote one or more order sequence numbers.

Data Types: struct | int32

Timeout value, specified as a nonnegative integer. This integer denotes the time, in milliseconds, that the event handler listens to the event queue for each iteration of the code. The event handler can be a default or custom event handler.

Data Types: double

Options for a custom event handler or timeout value, specified as a structure. To reuse the settings for specifying a custom event handler or timeout value for the event handler, use the options structure.

For example, specify using a custom event handler and a timeout value of 200 milliseconds.

options.useDefaultEventHandler = false;
options.timeOut = 200;

Data Types: struct

Output Arguments

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Event queue contents, returned as a double or structure.

If the event queue contains events, events is a structure containing the current contents of the event queue. Otherwise, events is an empty double.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a