Liquidate Dollar Value from Portfolio
This example shows how to liquidate a dollar value from a portfolio while minimizing market-impact costs using transaction cost analysis from the Kissell Research Group. This example always results in a portfolio that shrinks in size. The market-impact cost minimization is expressed as
where MI is the market-impact cost for the traded shares and x denotes the final weights for each stock.
This example requires an Optimization Toolbox™ license. For background information, see Optimization Theory Overview (Optimization Toolbox).
The optimization finds a local minimum for the market-impact cost of liquidating a dollar value from a portfolio. For ways to search for the global minimum, see Local vs. Global Optima (Optimization Toolbox).
To access the example code, enter edit
at the command line.
Retrieve Market-Impact Parameters and Load Data
Retrieve the market-impact data from the Kissell Research Group FTP site.
Connect to the FTP site using the ftp
function with a user
name and password. Navigate to the MI_Parameters
folder and
retrieve the market-impact data in the
contains the encrypted market-impact date, code,
and parameters.
f = ftp('','username','pwd'); mget(f,'MI_Encrypted_Parameters.csv'); close(f) miData = readtable('MI_Encrypted_Parameters.csv','delimiter', ... ',','ReadRowNames',false,'ReadVariableNames',true);
Create a Kissell Research Group transaction cost analysis object
. Specify initial settings for the date, market-impact
code, and number of trading days.
k = krg(miData,datetime('today'),1,250);
Load the example data TradeDataPortOpt
and the covariance
data CovarianceData
from the file
, which is included with the
Datafeed Toolbox™. Limit the data set to the first 10 rows.
load KRGExampleData.mat TradeDataPortOpt CovarianceData n = 10; TradeDataPortOpt = TradeDataPortOpt(1:n,:); CovarianceData = CovarianceData(1:n,1:n); C = table2array(CovarianceData);
For a description of the example data, see Kissell Research Group Data Sets.
Define Optimization Parameters
Set the portfolio liquidation value to $100,000,000. Set the portfolio risk boundaries between 90% and 110%. Set the maximum total market-impact cost to 50 basis points. Determine the number of stocks in the portfolio. Retrieve the upper bound constraint for the maximum market-impact cost for liquidating shares in each stock.
PortLiquidationValue = 100000000; PortRiskBounds = [0.9 1.10]; maxTotalMI = 0.005; numPortStocks = length(TradeDataPortOpt.Symbol); maxMI = TradeDataPortOpt.UB_MaxMI;
Determine the target portfolio value PortfolioTargetValue
by subtracting the portfolio liquidation value from the total portfolio
PortfolioValue = sum(TradeDataPortOpt.Value); absPortValue = abs(TradeDataPortOpt.Value); PortfolioAbsValue = sum(absPortValue); PortfolioTargetValue = PortfolioValue-PortLiquidationValue;
Determine the current portfolio weight w
based on the value
of each stock in the portfolio.
w = sign(TradeDataPortOpt.Shares).*absPortValue/PortfolioAbsValue;
Specify constraints Aeq
and beq
indicate that the weights must sum to one. Initialize the linear inequality
constraints A
and b
Aeq = ones(1,numPortStocks); beq = 1; A = []; b = [];
Retrieve the lower and upper bounds for the final portfolio weight in
LB = TradeDataPortOpt.LB_Wt; UB = TradeDataPortOpt.UB_Wt;
Determine the lower and upper bounds for the number of shares in the final portfolio using other optional constraints in the example data set.
lbShares = max([TradeDataPortOpt.LB_MinShares, ... TradeDataPortOpt.LB_MinValue./TradeDataPortOpt.Price, ... TradeDataPortOpt.LB_MinPctADV.*TradeDataPortOpt.ADV],[],2); ubShares = min([TradeDataPortOpt.UB_MaxShares, ... TradeDataPortOpt.UB_MaxValue./TradeDataPortOpt.Price, ... TradeDataPortOpt.UB_MaxPctADV.*TradeDataPortOpt.ADV],[],2);
Specify the initial portfolio weights.
x0 = TradeDataPortOpt.Value./sum(TradeDataPortOpt.Value); x = x0;
Define optimization options. Set the optimization algorithm to sequential
quadratic programming. Set the termination tolerance on the function value and
on x
. Set the tolerance on the constraint violation. Set the
termination tolerance on the PCG iteration. Set the maximum number of function
evaluations 'MaxFunEvals'
and iterations
. The options 'MaxFunEvals'
and 'MaxIter'
are set to large values so that the
optimization can iterate many times to find a local minimum. Set the minimum
change in variables for finite differencing.
options = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','sqp', ... 'TolFun',10E-8,'TolX',10E-16,'TolCon',10E-8,'TolPCG',10E-8, ... 'MaxFunEvals',50000,'MaxIter',50000,'DiffMinChange',10E-8);
Minimize Market-Impact Costs for Portfolio Liquidation
Define the function handle objectivefun
for the sample
objective function krgLiquidityFunction
. To access the code
for this function, enter edit krgLiquidityFunction.m
. Define
the function handle constraintsfun
for the sample function
that sets additional
constraints. To access the code for this function, enter edit
objectivefun = @(x) krgLiquidityFunction(x,TradeDataPortOpt, ... PortfolioTargetValue,k); constraintsfun = @(x) krgLiquidityConstraint(x,w,C,TradeDataPortOpt, ... PortfolioTargetValue,PortRiskBounds,lbShares,ubShares,maxMI,maxTotalMI,k);
Minimize the market-impact costs for the portfolio liquidation.
finds the optimal value for the portfolio
weight for each stock based on the lower and upper bound values. It does this by
finding a local minimum for the market-impact cost.
[x,~,exitflag] = fmincon(objectivefun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,LB,UB, ...
To check whether fmincon
found a local minimum, display
the reason why the function stopped.
exitflag = 1.00
returns 1
when it finds a
local minimum. For details, see exitflag
(Optimization Toolbox).
Determine the optimized weight value x1
of each stock in
the portfolio in decimal format.
x1 = x.*PortfolioTargetValue/PortfolioValue;
Determine the optimized portfolio target value TargetValue
and number of shares SharesToTrade
for each stock in the
TargetShares = x*PortfolioTargetValue./TradeDataPortOpt.Price; SharesToTrade = TradeDataPortOpt.Shares-TargetShares; TargetValue = x*PortfolioTargetValue; TradeDataPortOpt.Shares = abs(SharesToTrade);
Determine the optimized percentage of volume strategy.
TradeDataPortOpt.TradeTime = TradeDataPortOpt.TradeTime ... .* TradeDataPortOpt.ADV; TradeDataPortOpt.POV = krg.tradetime2pov(TradeDataPortOpt.TradeTime, ... TradeDataPortOpt.Shares);
Estimate the market-impact costs MI
for the number of
shares to liquidate.
MI = marketImpact(k,TradeDataPortOpt)/10000;
To view the market-impact cost in decimal format, specify the display format. Display the market-impact cost for the first three stocks in the portfolio.
format MI(1:3)
ans = 1.0e-03 * 0.1477 0.1405 0.1405
To view the target number of shares with two decimal places, specify the display format. Display the target number of shares for the first three stocks in the portfolio.
format bank
ans = -23640.11 -154656.73 -61193.04
The negative values denote selling shares from the portfolio.
Display the traded value for the first three stocks in the portfolio.
ans = -968062.45 -1521760.41 -2448131.64
To simulate trading the target number of shares on a historical date range, you can now conduct a stress test on the optimized portfolio. For details about conducting a stress test, see Conduct Stress Test on Portfolio.
[1] Kissell, Robert. “Creating Dynamic Pre-Trade Models: Beyond the Black Box.” Journal of Trading. Vol. 6, Number 4, Fall 2011, pp. 8–15.
[2] Kissell, Robert. “TCA in the Investment Process: An Overview.” Journal of Index Investing. Vol. 2, Number 1, Summer 2011, pp. 60–64.
[3] Kissell, Robert. The Science of Algorithmic Trading and Portfolio Management. Cambridge, MA: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2013.
[4] Chung, Grace and Robert Kissell. “An Application of Transaction Costs in the Portfolio Optimization Process.” Journal of Trading. Vol. 11, Number 2, Spring 2016, pp. 11–20.
See Also
| marketImpact
| fmincon
(Optimization Toolbox) | optimoptions
(Optimization Toolbox)