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Create order profile for X_TRADER


P = createOrderProfile(X,S) creates an order profile defined by the structure S with fields corresponding to valid X_TRADER® API options. For details, see the Trading Technologies® X_TRADER API RTD Tutorial or X_TRADER API Class Reference.


P = createOrderProfile(X,Name,Value) creates an order profile using X_TRADER API options specified by one or more Name,Value pair arguments with names and values corresponding to valid X_TRADER API options. For details, see the Trading Technologies X_TRADER API RTD Tutorial or X_TRADER API Class Reference.



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X = xtrdr;

Define an input structure, S, with fields corresponding to valid X_TRADER API options.

S = [];
S.Instrument = [];
S.Customer = '';
S.Alias = '';
S.ReadProperties = 'b';
S.WriteProperties = 'b';
S.Customers = {'<Default>'};
S.RoundOption = 2;
S.CustomerDefaults = [];
S = 

          Instrument: []
            Customer: ''
               Alias: ''
      ReadProperties: 'b'
     WriteProperties: 'b'
           Customers: {'<Default>'}
         RoundOption: 2
    CustomerDefaults: []

Create an order profile.

P = createOrderProfile(X,S);

Close the connection.



X = xtrdr;

Create an order profile using name-value pairs corresponding to valid X_TRADER API options.


Close the connection.


Input Arguments

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X_TRADER connection, specified as a connection object created using xtrdr.

xtrdr input structure, specified with fields corresponding to valid X_TRADER API options. For details, see the Trading Technologies X_TRADER API RTD Tutorial or X_TRADER API Class Reference.

Example: S = [];
S.Exchange = 'Eurex';
S.Product = 'OGBM';
S.ProdType = 'Option';
S.Contract = 'Jan12 P12300';
S.Alias = 'TestInstrument3';

Data Types: struct

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: createOrderProfile(X,'Instrument',[],'Customer','<Default>','Alias','','RoundOption',2,'CustomerDefaults')

Valid X_TRADER API options, specified as a character vector or string scalar using the details described in Trading Technologies X_TRADER API RTD Tutorial or X_TRADER API Class Reference.

Example: createOrderProfile(X,'Instrument',[],'Customer','<Default>','Alias','','RoundOption',2,'CustomerDefaults')

Data Types: char | string

Valid X_TRADER API options, specified as a character vector or string scalar using the details described in Trading Technologies X_TRADER API RTD Tutorial or X_TRADER API Class Reference.

Example: createOrderProfile(X,'Instrument',[],'Customer','<Default>','Alias','','RoundOption',2,'CustomerDefaults')

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Order profile, returned as a structure.

Version History

Introduced in R2013a