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Display filter properties and values



disp(obj) lists the property names and property values of the object obj. In all ways, it is the same as leaving the semicolon off an on the command line while creating the object, except that disp does not display the variable name.



collapse all

Create a dsp.FIRFilter object.

filt = dsp.FIRFilter
filt = 
  dsp.FIRFilter with properties:

            Structure: 'Direct form'
      NumeratorSource: 'Property'
            Numerator: [0.5000 0.5000]
    InitialConditions: 0

  Use get to show all properties

Display its properties using the disp function.

  dsp.FIRFilter with properties:

            Structure: 'Direct form'
      NumeratorSource: 'Property'
            Numerator: [0.5000 0.5000]
    InitialConditions: 0

  Use get to show all properties

Input Arguments

collapse all

Input object, specified as one of the System objects or fdesign objects supported by DSP System Toolbox™. For a list, see Functions.

Version History

Introduced in R2011a

See Also