Optimize Code for ARM Cortex-A Processors
You can configure your model to replace generic code with Ne10 code that is optimized for ARM® Cortex®-A processors. The Ne10 code is based on the ARM Neon general-purpose SIMD engine.
To measure the effects of optimization, you can perform Execution profiling before and after completing this procedure. For more information, see Replace Code for Embedded Targets.
To enable code replacement libraries for ARM Cortex-A processors:
To display the available code replacement libraries, launch the Code Replacement Viewer using the following code.
crviewer('ARM Cortex-A')
Open a model configured for ARM Cortex-A processors. For information on configuring a model to support the ARM Cortex-A hardware board, see Run on Hardware Board - ARM Cortex-A Processors app.
On the Hardware tab, click Hardware Settings.
In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, expand Code Generation, and select the Interface pane.
Set the Code replacement library parameter to
ARM Cortex-A
. Click OK.
Code replacement using Ne10
code in the ARM
Cortex-A processors requires array dimensions be multiples of 4. Otherwise, code
replacement optimizations do not get applied.