Code Stack Usage Profiling
Use stack usage profiling to:
Determine stack memory requirements for your target hardware.
Observe the effect of compiler optimization and data input on stack usage.
You can configure software-in-the-loop (SIL) or processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulations to produce stack usage metrics for your generated code. Use the Code Profile Analyzer, code stack profiling report, or Simulation Data Inspector to analyze stack usage metrics.
- Create Stack Usage Profile for Generated Code
Configure SIL or PIL simulation to produce stack usage metrics for generated code.
- View and Compare Stack Usage Metrics
Determine size of stack memory that is required to run generated code.
- Aggregate Stack Usage Profiles to Identify Most Demanding Execution
Identify and analyze most demanding task execution and test using stack usage profiles.
- Stack Usage Profiling From Command Line
Use line commands to configure stack usage profiling and view report.