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Create characteristic object

Since R2022b


Create a characteristic object to define parameter element and export it to an ASAP2 file.


param = coder.asap2.Characteristic creates a characteristic object. You can use the object to define a characteristic element and export it to an ASAP2 file.


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Specify a name for the custom parameter.

Example: "CustomParameter_1"

Specify comments and description of the parameter.

Example: "Description of the parameter"

Specify the list of parameters referred in the group which are already present in the description object.

Example: MAP

Specify the address of the custom parameter.

Example: 0x1234

Specify a name for the conversion method of the custom parameter.

Example: custom_conversionmethod

Specify the minimum possible value for the custom parameter.

Example: 0

Specify the maximum possible value for the custom parameter.

Example: 63365

Specify symbols for address replacement.

Example: "/* @ECU_Address@CHARACTERISTIC_1@ */"

Specify additional address information.

Example: 1

Specify the calibration access type for the custom parameter.

Example: ReadOnly

Specify a display name for the parameter to appear on calibration tool.

Example: CustomParam_1

Specify a display format for the parameter to appear on calibration tool.

Example: %3.4

Specify to handle the single bits.

Example: 0x3a

Specify the parameters for the axis description.

Example: Custom_Axis

Specify true to export array as a look up table of type FIX_AXIS.

Example: true

Set true to transpose the axis. It is applicable only for lookup tables

Example: true

Specify a valid measurement name as a reference in the ASAP2 file. It is applicable only for lookup tables.

Example: Custom_Measurement

Name of the record layout.

Example: "Record_DATATYPE"

Specify the dimensions for an array data type.

Example: 2

Specify true to describe standard axis as com axis.

Example: true

Specify true to export the parameter and false to not export the parameter to ASAP2 file.

Example: false

Specify reference to symbol name within a linker map file.

Example: struct('SymbolName','p1_SymbolName','Offset',1)

Specify the maximum refresh rate.

Example: struct('ScalingUnit',ScalingUnits.ONE_MILLI_SEC,'Rate',100)

Specify any additional description that needs to be populated in the characteristic.

Example: "additional information"


collapse all

Add, update, filter, find, and remove ECU descriptions in an ASAP2 file.

Open and Build Example Model

Open the example model ASAP2Demo


Build the model.

### Searching for referenced models in model 'ASAP2Demo'.
### Found 1 model reference targets to update.
### Starting serial model reference code generation build.
### Successfully updated the model reference code generation target for: ASAP2DemoModelRef
### Starting build procedure for: ASAP2Demo
### Successful completion of build procedure for: ASAP2Demo

Build Summary

Model reference code generation targets:

Model              Build Reason                                 Status                        Build Duration
ASAP2DemoModelRef  Target (ASAP2DemoModelRef.c) did not exist.  Code generated and compiled.  0h 0m 8.5574s 

Top model targets:

Model      Build Reason                                         Status                        Build Duration
ASAP2Demo  Information cache folder or artifacts were missing.  Code generated and compiled.  0h 0m 14.207s 

2 of 2 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 24.52s

Create the ECU description object for the model.

descObj = coder.asap2.getEcuDescriptions("ASAP2Demo");

Get the list of available computation methods in the description object.

ans = 1x10 string
    "ASAP2DemoModelRef_CM_double"    "ASAP2DemoModelRef_CM_int16_rpm"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_double"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_double_m_per__s_2_"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_double_rpm"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_int32"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_single"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_single_m_per__s_2_"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_single_rpm"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_uint8"

Filter the computation methods and get a list of computation methods that use rpm as the unit.

ans = 1x3 string
    "ASAP2DemoModelRef_CM_int16_rpm"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_double_rpm"    "ASAP2Demo_CM_single_rpm"

Create and Add Custom Computation Method

To add a new computation method to the ASAP2 file, create a custom computation method.

CompuMethod_1 = coder.asap2.CompuMethod;
CompuMethod_1.Name = 'CompuMethod_1';
CompuMethod_1.ConversionType = 'LINEAR';
CompuMethod_1.Coefficients = [2 3];
CompuMethod_1.LongIdentifier = 'longIdentifierTest';
CompuMethod_1.Format = '%2.3';
CompuMethod_1.Units = 's';

Add the custom computation method to the ECU description object.


Get the properties of the newly added computation method.

ans = 
  CompuMethod with properties:

               Name: 'CompuMethod_1'
     LongIdentifier: 'longIdentifierTest'
             Format: '%2.3'
              Units: 's'
       Coefficients: [2 3]
     ConversionType: 'LINEAR'
    CompuVTabValues: [1x1 struct]
         CustomData: ""

To modify a property of the computation method, use set function. Update the ConversionType field of the computation method to TAB_VERB and define the CompuVTabValues.

set(descObj,"CompuMethod","CompuMethod_1",CompuVTabValues = struct('Literals',["false" "true"],'Values',[0 1]));

Get the properties to see the modified fields.

modifiedprop = get(descObj,"CompuMethod","CompuMethod_1")
modifiedprop = 
  CompuMethod with properties:

               Name: 'CompuMethod_1'
     LongIdentifier: 'longIdentifierTest'
             Format: '%2.3'
              Units: 's'
       Coefficients: [2 3]
     ConversionType: "TAB_VERB"
    CompuVTabValues: [1x1 struct]
         CustomData: ""

ans = struct with fields:
    Literals: ["false"    "true"]
      Values: [0 1]

Generate the ASAP2 file using the updated ECU description object and verify that the ASAP2 file contains the computation method CompuMethod_1.

Following Characteristics or Measurements with unsupported data types are not exported in ASAP2 file. "ASAP2Demo_DW.ASAP2DemoModelRef_InstanceData"

Delete Computation Method

Remove the newly added computation method from the description object.


Create and Add Custom Characteristic

To add a new characteristic to the ASAP2 file, create a custom characteristic.

Parameter_1 = coder.asap2.Characteristic;
Parameter_1.Name = 'Custom_parameter1';
Parameter_1.LongIdentifier = 'longIdentifierParam';
Parameter_1.UpperLimit = 255;
Parameter_1.LowerLimit = 0;

Add the custom characteristic to the ECU description object.


Get the properties of the newly added characteristic.

ans = 
  Characteristic with properties:

                   Name: 'Custom_parameter1'
         LongIdentifier: 'longIdentifierParam'
                   Type: 'VALUE'
             EcuAddress: '0x0000'
        CompuMethodName: 'NO_COMPU_METHOD'
             LowerLimit: 0
             UpperLimit: 255
      EcuAddressComment: ""
    EcuAddressExtension: []
      CalibrationAccess: 'Calibration'
      DisplayIdentifier: ""
                 Format: ""
                BitMask: []
               AxisInfo: []
           RecordLayout: ""
             Dimensions: []
                 Export: 1
             MaxRefresh: [1x1 struct]
             SymbolLink: [1x1 struct]
             CustomData: ""

To modify a property of the characteristic, use set function. Update the UpperLimit field of the characteristic.


Generate the ASAP2 file using the updated ECU description object and verify that the ASAP2 file contains the characteristic Custom_parameter1.

Following Characteristics or Measurements with unsupported data types are not exported in ASAP2 file. "ASAP2Demo_DW.ASAP2DemoModelRef_InstanceData"

Remove the newly added characteristic from the description object.


Create and Add Custom Measurement

To add a new measurement to the ASAP2 file, create a custom measurement.

Signal_1 = coder.asap2.Measurement;
Signal_1.Name = 'Custom_signal1';
Signal_1.LongIdentifier = 'longIdentifierSignal';
Signal_1.UpperLimit = 255;
Signal_1.LowerLimit = 0;

Add the custom measurement to the ECU description object.


Get the properties of the newly added measurement.

ans = 
  Measurement with properties:

                   Name: 'Custom_signal1'
         LongIdentifier: 'longIdentifierSignal'
               DataType: 'UBYTE'
             EcuAddress: '0x0000'
        CompuMethodName: ""
             LowerLimit: 0
             UpperLimit: 255
                 Raster: [1x1 struct]
      EcuAddressComment: ""
    EcuAddressExtension: []
      CalibrationAccess: 'NoCalibration'
      DisplayIdentifier: ""
                 Format: ""
                BitMask: []
             Dimensions: []
                 Export: 1
               MaskData: [1x1 struct]
             MaxRefresh: [1x1 struct]
             SymbolLink: [1x1 struct]
             CustomData: ""

To modify a property of the measurement, use set function. Update the CalibrationAccess field of the measurement.


Generate the ASAP2 file using the updated ECU description object and verify that the ASAP2 file contains the measurement with name Custom_signal1.

Following Characteristics or Measurements with unsupported data types are not exported in ASAP2 file. "ASAP2Demo_DW.ASAP2DemoModelRef_InstanceData"

Remove the newly added measurement from the description object.


Create and Add Lookup Table Parameter

Add a lookup table parameter.

LUT_Parameter = coder.asap2.Characteristic;
LUT_Parameter.Name = "custom_lookup_table";
LUT_Parameter.Type = "MAP";

Create and add axis information to the parameter.

axis_data = coder.asap2.AxisInfo;
axis_data(1).Name = 'BP3';
axis_data(2).Name = 'Bp4';
axis_data(1).CompuMethodName = 'ASAP2Demo_CM_double';
axis_data(2).CompuMethodName = 'ASAP2Demo_CM_double';
axis_data(1).MaxAxisPoints = '3';
axis_data(2).MaxAxisPoints = '3';
axis_data(1).AxisType = 'STD_AXIS';
axis_data(2).AxisType = 'STD_AXIS';
LUT_Parameter.AxisInfo = axis_data;

Add the lookup table parameter to the description object.


Generate the ASAP2 file using the updated ECU description object and verify that the ASAP2 file contains the lookup table parameter custom_lookup_table.

Following Characteristics or Measurements with unsupported data types are not exported in ASAP2 file. "ASAP2Demo_DW.ASAP2DemoModelRef_InstanceData"

Version History

Introduced in R2022b