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Get model elements for the category of model code mappings

Since R2020b


    modelElementsFound = find(coderMapObj,elementCategory) returns the elements in the model code mappings of the specified category as an array of objects.

    modelElementsFound= find(coderMapObj,elementCategory,Name=Value) returns the elements in the model code mappings of the specified category that match specified property and value criteria.



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    Use the programmatic interface to find model elements that are related to the code mappings.

    To interactively observe how your commands are reflected in the Code Mappings editor, make sure the Code Mappings editor is open with the Inports tab selected. To learn how to open the Code Mappings editor, see Open the Code Mappings Editor – C.

    Open the model CoderMapAPI.

    simulinkModel = "CoderMapAPI";

    Retrieve the code mappings object of this model.

    codeMapObj = coder.mapping.api.get(simulinkModel);

    Find input port handles of ports with ImportedExtern storage class and input ports with ImportedExternPointer storage class.

    importedExternInportHandles = find(codeMapObj,"Inports",StorageClass="ImportedExtern")'
    importedExternInportHandles = 2×1
    importedExternPointerInportHandles = find(codeMapObj,"Inports",StorageClass="ImportedExternPointer")'
    importedExternPointerInportHandles = 2×1

    Get the names of the input ports.

    importedExterInportNames = string(get_param(importedExternInportHandles,"Name"))
    importedExterInportNames = 2x1 string
    importedExternPointerInportNames = string(get_param(importedExternPointerInportHandles,"Name"))
    importedExternPointerInportNames = 2x1 string

    Generate code from the model.


    Root-level ports with ImportedExtern and ImportedExternPointer storage classes are declared in the generated private header file of the model in separate sections.

    Store the name of the private header file.

    priv_h_file = fullfile(simulinkModel+"_grt_rtw",simulinkModel+"_private.h")
    priv_h_file = 

    These are the declarations of the root-level ports in the header file:

    /* Imported (extern) block signals */
    extern real_T in_port_1;               /* '<Root>/in_port_1' */
    extern real_T in_port_2;               /* '<Root>/in_port_2' */
    /* Imported (extern) pointer block signals */
    extern real_T *in_port_3;              /* '<Root>/in_port_3' */
    extern real_T *in_port_4;              /* '<Root>/in_port_4' */

    The storage classes of the ports match the storage classes passed to the find function.

    To open the header file, enter this command in the MATLAB® Command Window.


    To see the ImportedExtern inports highlighted in the model canvas and in the Code Mappings editor, enter this command:

    arrayfun(@(pHandle) set_param(pHandle,Selected="on"),importedExternInportHandles);

    Use the programmatic interface to find entry-point functions with function customization templates mapped to the model default, and remap templates to the default customization template.

    To interactively observe how your commands are reflected in the Code Mappings editor, make sure the Code Mappings editor is open with the Functions tab selected. To learn how to open the Code Mappings editor, see Open the Code Mappings Editor – C.

    Open the model ECoderMapAPI.

    simulinkModel = "ECoderMapAPI";

    Retrieve the code mappings object of the model.

    codeMapObj = coder.mapping.api.get(simulinkModel);

    Use the code mappings object to find all entry-point functions with function customization template mapped to the model default. Then display the names of the functions you found.

    funcObjs = find(codeMapObj,"Functions",FunctionCustomizationTemplate="Model default");

    Map the function customization template of the functions you found to Default.


    Use the find function to test if there are any entry-point functions with customization template mapped to the model default. You should get an empty list.

    find(codeMapObj,"Functions",FunctionCustomizationTemplate="Model default")
    ans = 
      0x0 empty string array

    Map the function customization template of the functions you found back to model default.

    setFunction(codeMapObj,funcObjs,FunctionCustomizationTemplate="Model Default");

    Input Arguments

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    Code mapping object returned by a call to function coder.mapping.api.get

    Example: coderMapObj = coder.mapping.api.get(bdroot)

    Model element category that you search for in the model code mappings, specified as one of these values:

    • "DataStores"

    • "DataTransfers"

    • "ExportedFunctions"

    • "Functions"

    • "FunctionCallers"

    • "Inports"

    • "ModelParameters"

    • "ModelParameterArguments"

    • "Outports"

    • "PartitionFunctions"

    • "PartitionUpdateFunctions"

    • "PeriodicFunctions"

    • "PeriodicUpdateFunctions"

    • "ResetFunctions"

    • "Signals"

    • "SimulinkFunctions"

    • "States"

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: find(coderMapObj,StorageClass="Bitfield")

    Data Interfaces

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    The name of data element storage class to include in the search criteria. The storage class is either defined in the internal Embedded Coder® Dictionary of the model, or in a shared Embedded Coder Dictionary that is attached to the model.

    The list of available storage classes vary depending on the specified category.

    Name that the code generator uses to identify a data element in generated code. Applies to storage classes other than "Auto".

    Data Types: char | string

    File name for a C source file that contains definitions for global data read by data elements and external code. Applies to storage classes Const, ConstVolatile, ExportToFile, and Volatile.

    Data Types: char | string

    Name of a function customization template for a model that is defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary.

    Data Types: char | string

    Name of an entry-point function generated for a model.

    Data Types: char | string

    Name of a get function that a data element calls in the generated code. Applies to storage class GetSet.

    Data Types: char | string

    File name for a C header file that contains declarations for global data read by data elements and external code. Applies to storage classes Const, ConstVolatile, Define, ExportToFile, GetSet, ImportedDefine, ImportFromFile, and Volatile.

    Data Types: char | string

    Name of a memory section for a model that is defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary.

    Data Types: char | string

    Name of the model that owns global data used by other models in the same model hierarchy. The code generated for the owner model includes the global data definition. Applies to storage classes Const, ConstVolatile, ExportToFile, and Volatile.

    Data Types: char | string

    When model configuration parameter Array layout is set to Row-major, a flag that indicates whether to preserve dimensions of a data element that is represented in generated code as a multidimensional array. Applies to storage classes Const, ConstVolatile, ExportToFile, FileScope, GetSet, ImportFromFile, Localizable, and Volatile.

    Data Types: logical

    Name of a set function that a data element calls in the generated code. Applies to storage class GetSet.

    Data Types: char | string

    Name that the code generator uses to identify the structure for a data element in the generated code. Applies to storage classes Bitfield and Struct.

    Data Types: char | string

    Storage class property defined in the model Embedded Coder Dictionary. Values that you can specify vary depending on the storage class definition.

    Service Interfaces

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    String or character vector containing the name of a receiver service interface defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary. Within a target environment, a component receives data from other components by calling the target platform receiver service. To use the dictionary default, specify "Dictionary default".

    To configure the receiver service interface, an Embedded Coder Dictionary that defines a service interface configuration must be attached to the model. For more information, see Configure Sender and Receiver Service Interfaces for Model Inports and Outports.

    Data Types: char | string

    String or character vector containing the name of a sender service interface defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary. Within a target environment, a component sends data to other components by calling the target platform sender service. To use the dictionary default, specify "Dictionary default".

    To configure the sender service interface, an Embedded Coder Dictionary that defines a service interface configuration must be attached to the model. For more information, see Configure Sender and Receiver Service Interfaces for Model Inports and Outports.

    Data Types: char | string

    String or character vector containing the name of a measurement service interface defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary. By configuring the measurement service interface for signals, states, and data stores, you can preserve the data in the generated code for measurement. To use the dictionary default, specify "Dictionary default". If data from the state does not need to be preserved in the code, specify "Not measured".

    To configure the measurement service interface, an Embedded Coder Dictionary that defines a service interface configuration must be attached to the model. For more information, see Configure Measurement Service Interfaces for Signals, States, and Data Stores.

    Data Types: char | string

    String or character vector containing the name of a parameter tuning service interface defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary. To use the dictionary default, specify "Dictionary default".

    To configure the parameter tuning service interface, an Embedded Coder Dictionary that defines a service interface configuration must be attached to the model. For more information, see Configure Parameter and Parameter Argument Tuning Service Interfaces for Model Parameters and Model Parameter Arguments.

    Data Types: char | string

    String or character vector containing the name of a parameter argument tuning service interface defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary. To use the dictionary default, specify "Dictionary default".

    To configure the parameter argument tuning service interface, an Embedded Coder Dictionary that defines a service interface configuration must be attached to the model. For more information, see Configure Parameter and Parameter Argument Tuning Service Interfaces for Model Parameters and Model Parameter Arguments.

    Data Types: char | string

    String or character vector containing the name of a timer service interface defined in the Embedded Coder Dictionary. To use the dictionary default, specify "Dictionary default".

    This property is only applicable for exported functions.

    To configure the timer service interface, an Embedded Coder Dictionary that defines a service interface configuration must be attached to the model. For more information, see Configure Timer Service Interfaces.

    Data Types: char | string

    Output Arguments

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    Model elements found, returned as a string array or a handle array, depending on the specified element category.

    Element CategoryType of Object Returned
    "Inports", "Outports", and "States"Block handle
    "Signals"Port handle
    "DataStores"Block handle
    "ModelParameters"Model parameter name
    "ModelParameterArguments"Model parameter argument name
    "ExportedFunctions", "Functions", "PartitionFunctions", "PartitionUpdateFunctions", "PeriodicFunctions", "PeriodicUpdateFunctions", "ResetFunctions", and "SimulinkFunctions"Function name

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020b

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