collects execution-time metrics for tasks through a software-in-the-loop (SIL) or
processor-in-the-loop (PIL) simulation using the model inputs. Then, it analyzes the metrics
and identifies the code execution paths of the tasks that take the longest measured
execution times, which are the critical paths.resultsObject
= coder.profile.test.analyzePath(modelName
, SimMode="SIL")
The function stores the results in the resultsObject
object. The
results include:
Identified critical paths.
Estimated cost percentages of code sections in the identified paths.
Use Code Profile
Analyzer to analyze the results in resultsObject
uses the model's SIL/PIL Mode and test cases in the Simulink®
Test™ file resultsObject
= coder.profile.test.analyzePath(modelName
, TestFile="myTestFile")myTestFile
for the analysis.
specifies additional name-value arguments.resultsObject
= coder.profile.test.analyzePath(..., Name=Value
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Version History
Introduced in R2024a