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Set parameters of rtP model parameter structure


rtP = rsimsetrtpparam(rtP,idx) expands the rtP structure to have idx sets of parameters. The rsimsetrtpparam utility defines the values of an existing rtP parameter structure. The rtP structure matches the format of the structure returned by rsimgetrtp('model').


rtP = rsimsetrtpparam(rtP,'paramName',paramValue) takes an rtP structure that contains tunable parameter information and sets the values associated with 'paramName' to be paramValue. You can specify multiple name-value pairs.

rtP = rsimsetrtpparam(rtP,idx,'paramName',paramValue) takes an rtP structure that contains tunable parameter information and sets the values associated with 'paramName' to be paramValue in the nth idx parameter set. You can specify multiple name-value pairs. If the rtP structure does not have idx parameter sets, the first set is copied and appended until there are idx parameter sets. Subsequently, the nth idx set is changed.



collapse all

Expand the number of parameter sets in the rtp structure to 10.

rtp = rsimsetrtpparam(rtp,10);

Add three parameter sets to the parameter structure rtp.

rtp = rsimsetrtpparam(rtp,idx,'X1',iX1,'X2',iX2,'Num',iNum);

Input Arguments

collapse all

Output Arguments

collapse all

Version History

Introduced in R2009b