比较 paretosearch
和 gamultiobj
此示例显示如何使用 paretosearch
和 gamultiobj
在帕累托前沿上创建一组点。目标函数有两个目标和一个二维控制变量 x
。当您单击按钮编辑或尝试此示例时,目标函数 mymulti3
在您的 MATLAB® 会话中可用。或者,将 mymulti3
type mymulti3
function f = mymulti3(x) % f(:,1) = x(:,1).^4 + x(:,2).^4 + x(:,1).*x(:,2) - (x(:,1).^2).*(x(:,2).^2) - 9*x(:,1).^2; f(:,2) = x(:,2).^4 + x(:,1).^4 + x(:,1).*x(:,2) - (x(:,1).^2).*(x(:,2).^2) + 3*x(:,2).^3;
使用 paretosearch
和 gamultiobj
查找目标函数的帕累托集。将 UseVectorized
选项设置为 true
rng default nvars = 2; opts = optimoptions(@gamultiobj,'UseVectorized',true,'PlotFcn','gaplotpareto'); [xga,fvalga,~,gaoutput] = gamultiobj(@(x)mymulti3(x),nvars,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],opts);
gamultiobj stopped because the average change in the spread of Pareto solutions is less than options.FunctionTolerance.
optsp = optimoptions('paretosearch','UseVectorized',true,'PlotFcn',{'psplotparetof' 'psplotparetox'}); [xp,fvalp,~,psoutput] = paretosearch(@(x)mymulti3(x),nvars,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],optsp);
Pareto set found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because the relative change in the volume of the Pareto set is less than 'options.ParetoSetChangeTolerance' and constraints are satisfied to within 'options.ConstraintTolerance'.
使用 mymulti4
函数在您的 MATLAB 会话中可用。
type mymulti4
function mout = mymulti4(x) % gg = [4*x(1)^3+x(2)-2*x(1)*(x(2)^2) - 18*x(1); x(1)+4*x(2)^3-2*(x(1)^2)*x(2)]; gf = gg + [18*x(1);9*x(2)^2]; mout = gf(1)*gg(2) - gf(2)*gg(1);
函数评估两个目标函数的梯度。接下来,对于 x(2)
的一系列值,使用 fzero
来定位梯度完全平行的点,即输出 mout
= 0 的位置。
a = [fzero(@(t)mymulti4([t,-3.15]),[2,3]),-3.15]; for jj = linspace(-3.125,-1.89,50) a = [a;[fzero(@(t)mymulti4([t,jj]),[2,3]),jj]]; end figure plot(fvalp(:,1),fvalp(:,2),'bo'); hold on fs = mymulti3(a); plot(fvalga(:,1),fvalga(:,2),'r*'); plot(fs(:,1),fs(:,2),'k.') legend('Paretosearch','Gamultiobj','True') xlabel('Objective 1') ylabel('Objective 2') hold off
[x,y] = meshgrid(1.9:.01:3.1,-3.2:.01:-1.8); mydata = mymulti3([x(:),y(:)]); myff = sqrt(mydata(:,1) + 39);% Spaces the contours better mygg = sqrt(mydata(:,2) + 28);% Spaces the contours better myff = reshape(myff,size(x)); mygg = reshape(mygg,size(x)); figure; hold on contour(x,y,mygg,50) contour(x,y,myff,50) plot(xp(:,1),xp(:,2),'bo') plot(xga(:,1),xga(:,2),'r*') plot(a(:,1),a(:,2),'-k') xlabel('x(1)') ylabel('x(2)') hold off
与 paretosearch
可能会失败,而 paretosearch
为了更容易比较,为每个求解器在帕累托前沿指定 35 个点。
shift = [20,-30];
fun = @(x)mymulti3(x+shift);
opts.PopulationSize = 100; % opts.ParetoFraction = 35
[xgash,fvalgash,~,gashoutput] = gamultiobj(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],[],[],opts);
gamultiobj stopped because the average change in the spread of Pareto solutions is less than options.FunctionTolerance.
optsp.PlotFcn = []; optsp.ParetoSetSize = 35; [xpsh,fvalpsh,~,pshoutput] = paretosearch(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],optsp);
Pareto set found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because the relative change in the volume of the Pareto set is less than 'options.ParetoSetChangeTolerance' and constraints are satisfied to within 'options.ConstraintTolerance'.
figure plot(fvalpsh(:,1),fvalpsh(:,2),'bo'); hold on plot(fs(:,1),fs(:,2),'k.') legend('Paretosearch','True') xlabel('Objective 1') ylabel('Objective 2') hold off
添加边界,即使是相当宽松的界限,也有助于 gamultiobj
和 paretosearch
找到适当的解。设置每个分量的 -50
的下界和 50
opts.PlotFcn = []; optsp.PlotFcn = []; lb = [-50,-50]; ub = -lb; [xgash,fvalgash,~,gashoutput] = gamultiobj(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,opts);
gamultiobj stopped because the average change in the spread of Pareto solutions is less than options.FunctionTolerance.
[xpsh2,fvalpsh2,~,pshoutput2] = paretosearch(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],optsp);
Pareto set found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because the relative change in the volume of the Pareto set is less than 'options.ParetoSetChangeTolerance' and constraints are satisfied to within 'options.ConstraintTolerance'.
figure plot(fvalpsh2(:,1),fvalpsh2(:,2),'bo'); hold on plot(fvalgash(:,1),fvalgash(:,2),'r*'); plot(fs(:,1),fs(:,2),'k.') legend('Paretosearch','Gamultiobj','True') xlabel('Objective 1') ylabel('Objective 2') hold off
从 gamultiobj
解开始 paretosearch
通过从 gamultiobj
解开始 paretosearch
optsp.InitialPoints = xgash; [xpsh3,fvalpsh3,~,pshoutput3] = paretosearch(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],lb,ub,[],optsp);
Pareto set found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because the relative change in the volume of the Pareto set is less than 'options.ParetoSetChangeTolerance' and constraints are satisfied to within 'options.ConstraintTolerance'.
figure plot(fvalpsh3(:,1),fvalpsh3(:,2),'bo'); hold on plot(fvalgash(:,1),fvalgash(:,2),'r*'); plot(fs(:,1),fs(:,2),'k.') legend('Paretosearch','Gamultiobj','True') xlabel('Objective 1') ylabel('Objective 2') hold off
现在 paretosearch
解与 gamultiobj
nobj = 2; % Number of objectives x0 = -shift; % Initial point for single-objective minimization uncmin = cell(nobj,1); % Cell array to hold the single-objective minima allfuns = zeros(nobj,2); % Hold the objective function values eflag = zeros(nobj,1); fopts = optimoptions('patternsearch','Display','off'); % Use an appropriate solver here for i = 1:nobj indi = zeros(nobj,1); % Choose the objective to minimize indi(i) = 1; funi = @(x)dot(fun(x),indi); [uncmin{i},~,eflag(i)] = patternsearch(funi,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],fopts); % Minimize objective i allfuns(i,:) = fun(uncmin{i}); end uncmin = cell2mat(uncmin); % Matrix of start points
从单目标最小点开始 paretosearch
将随机初始点添加到所提供的点中,以便拥有至少 options.ParetoSetSize
将随机点添加到所提供的点中,以获得至少 (options.PopulationSize)*(options.ParetoFraction)
optsp = optimoptions(optsp,'InitialPoints',uncmin);
[xpinit,fvalpinit,~,outputpinit] = paretosearch(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],[],[],[],optsp);
Pareto set found that satisfies the constraints. Optimization completed because the relative change in the volume of the Pareto set is less than 'options.ParetoSetChangeTolerance' and constraints are satisfied to within 'options.ConstraintTolerance'.
现在从初始点开始使用 gamultiobj
opts = optimoptions(opts,'InitialPopulationMatrix',uncmin);
[xgash2,fvalgash2,~,gashoutput2] = gamultiobj(fun,nvars,[],[],[],[],[],[],opts);
gamultiobj stopped because the average change in the spread of Pareto solutions is less than options.FunctionTolerance.
figure plot(fvalpinit(:,1),fvalpinit(:,2),'bo'); hold on plot(fvalgash2(:,1),fvalgash2(:,2),'r*'); plot(fs(:,1),fs(:,2),'k.') plot(allfuns(:,1),allfuns(:,2),'gs','MarkerSize',12) legend('Paretosearch','Gamultiobj','True','Start Points') xlabel('Objective 1') ylabel('Objective 2') hold off
figure; hold on xx = x - shift(1); yy = y - shift(2); contour(xx,yy,mygg,50) contour(xx,yy,myff,50) plot(xpinit(:,1),xpinit(:,2),'bo') plot(xgash2(:,1),xgash2(:,2),'r*') ashift = a - shift; plot(ashift(:,1),ashift(:,2),'-k') plot(uncmin(:,1),uncmin(:,2),'gs','MarkerSize',12); xlabel('x(1)') ylabel('x(2)') hold off