Build Generated CUDA Code Using CMake Toolchain
CMake is a third-party, open source tool for build process management. In this example, when generating CUDA® code for a MATLAB® function, you instruct the code generator to also produce a CMakeLists.txt
file. This file contains the build instructions for the generated code in a platform-independent CMake language.
After generating CUDA code and the CMakeLists.txt
file, you invoke the cmake
command to:
Use the selected generator to produce standard build files from the
file.Run the compiler and other build tools to create a dynamic library.
In this example, the MATLAB entry-point function fog_rectification
takes a foggy image as input and produces a defogged image. Your goal is to generate a SIL MEX that links to a generated CUDA dynamic library for this entry-point function. For more information about the algorithm that fog_rectification
uses, see Fog Rectification.
Third-Party Prerequisites
CUDA enabled NVIDIA® GPU and compatible driver.
NVIDIA CUDA toolkit.
Environment variables for the compilers and libraries for your specific platform. For more information, see Third-Party Hardware and Setting Up the Prerequisite Products.
CMake with version greater than 3.18.
Verify GPU Environment
To verify that the compilers and libraries necessary for running this example are set up correctly, use the coder.checkGpuInstall
envCfg = coder.gpuEnvConfig('host');
envCfg.BasicCodegen = 1;
envCfg.Quiet = 1;
The fog_rectification
Entry-Point Function
The fog_rectification.m entry-point function takes a foggy image as input and returns a defogged image.
type fog_rectification
function [out] = fog_rectification(input) %#codegen % % Copyright 2017-2023 The MathWorks, Inc. coder.gpu.kernelfun; % restoreOut is used to store the output of restoration restoreOut = zeros(size(input),"double"); % Changing the precision level of input image to double input = double(input)./255; %% Dark channel Estimation from input darkChannel = min(input,[],3); % diff_im is used as input and output variable for anisotropic % diffusion diff_im = 0.9*darkChannel; num_iter = 3; % 2D convolution mask for Anisotropic diffusion hN = [0.0625 0.1250 0.0625; 0.1250 0.2500 0.1250; 0.0625 0.1250 0.0625]; hN = double(hN); %% Refine dark channel using Anisotropic diffusion. for t = 1:num_iter diff_im = conv2(diff_im,hN,"same"); end %% Reduction with min diff_im = min(darkChannel,diff_im); diff_im = 0.6*diff_im ; %% Parallel element-wise math to compute % Restoration with inverse Koschmieder's law factor = 1.0./(1.0-(diff_im)); restoreOut(:,:,1) = (input(:,:,1)-diff_im).*factor; restoreOut(:,:,2) = (input(:,:,2)-diff_im).*factor; restoreOut(:,:,3) = (input(:,:,3)-diff_im).*factor; restoreOut = uint8(255.*restoreOut); %% % Stretching performs the histogram stretching of the image. % im is the input color image and p is cdf limit. % out is the contrast stretched image and cdf is the cumulative % prob. density function and T is the stretching function. % RGB to grayscale conversion im_gray = im2gray(restoreOut); [row,col] = size(im_gray); % histogram calculation [count,~] = imhist(im_gray); prob = count'/(row*col); % cumulative Sum calculation cdf = cumsum(prob(:)); % Utilize gpucoder.reduce to find less than particular probability. % This is equal to "i1 = length(find(cdf <= (p/100)));", but is % more GPU friendly. % lessThanP is the preprocess function that returns 1 if the input % value from cdf is less than the defined threshold and returns 0 % otherwise. gpucoder.reduce then sums up the returned values to get % the final count. i1 = gpucoder.reduce(cdf,@plus,"preprocess", @lessThanP); i2 = 255 - gpucoder.reduce(cdf,@plus,"preprocess", @greaterThanP); o1 = floor(255*.10); o2 = floor(255*.90); t1 = (o1/i1)*[0:i1]; t2 = (((o2-o1)/(i2-i1))*[i1+1:i2])-(((o2-o1)/(i2-i1))*i1)+o1; t3 = (((255-o2)/(255-i2))*[i2+1:255])-(((255-o2)/(255-i2))*i2)+o2; T = (floor([t1 t2 t3])); restoreOut(restoreOut == 0) = 1; u1 = (restoreOut(:,:,1)); u2 = (restoreOut(:,:,2)); u3 = (restoreOut(:,:,3)); % replacing the value from look up table out1 = T(u1); out2 = T(u2); out3 = T(u3); out = zeros([size(out1),3], "uint8"); out(:,:,1) = uint8(out1); out(:,:,2) = uint8(out2); out(:,:,3) = uint8(out3); end function out = lessThanP(input) p = 5/100; out = uint32(0); if input <= p out = uint32(1); end end function out = greaterThanP(input) p = 5/100; out = uint32(0); if input >= 1 - p out = uint32(1); end end
Generate CUDA Code and CMakeLists.txt
To review the list of toolchains available to you, run this command. This example shows the output of this command on a specific Linux® machine.
ans = 7×1 cell
{'CMake' }
{'GNU GCC for NVIDIA Embedded Processors' }
{'GNU gcc/g++ | CMake/gmake (64-bit Linux)'}
{'GNU gcc/g++ | CMake/Ninja (64-bit Linux)'}
{'GNU gcc/g++ | gmake (64-bit Linux)' }
{'NVCC for NVIDIA Embedded Processors' }
{'NVIDIA CUDA | gmake (64-bit Linux)' }
Create a code generation configuration object for a dynamically linked library. Set the VerificationMode
property to 'SIL'
and the Toolchain
property to one of the supported CMake toolchains. See Configure CMake Build Process.
cfg = coder.gpuConfig('dll'); cfg.VerificationMode = 'SIL'; if ispc % Change the CMake Toolchain based on your Microsoft Visual C++ version cfg.Toolchain = 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 v17.0 | CMake/nmake (64-bit Windows)'; else cfg.Toolchain = 'GNU gcc/g++ | CMake/gmake (64-bit Linux)'; end
Run the codegen
command to generate CUDA code and the CMakeLists.txt
file in the code generation folder.
inputImage = imread('foggyInput.png'); codegen fog_rectification.m -config cfg -args {inputImage}
Code generation successful: View report
Build Target from CMakeLists.txt
Navigate to the code generation folder that contains the CMakeLists.txt
file, from which you can generate the native build files.
codegenDir = cd('codegen/dll/fog_rectification/'); type CMakeLists.txt
########################################################################### # CMakeLists.txt generated for component fog_rectification # Product type: SHARED library ########################################################################### cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18) project(fog_rectification) enable_language(CUDA CXX C) # Propagate the CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS variable from the # environment if it is defined as an environment variable, but not as a # CMake variable. This is to work around a bug in CMake 3.19 when the # "NMake Makefiles" generator is selected. if(DEFINED ENV{CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS} AND NOT DEFINED CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS) set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS $ENV{CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS}) endif() # Define common variables that are used within the whole project. set(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH TRUE) set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) set(CMAKE_CUDA_USE_RESPONSE_FILE_FOR_INCLUDES OFF) set(CMAKE_CUDA_USE_RESPONSE_FILE_FOR_OBJECTS OFF) set(CMAKE_CUDA_USE_RESPONSE_FILE_FOR_LIBRARIES OFF) set(CMAKE_PLATFORM_USES_PATH_WHEN_NO_SONAME FALSE) ########################################################################### ## Path variables ########################################################################### # Derive an absolute path to the code generation anchor folder. get_filename_component(START_DIR ../../.. ABSOLUTE) # Special directories defined by using CACHE variables can be overridden # by setting the variable from the command line, e.g., # # cmake . -DMATLAB_ROOT=/path/to/another/matlab/root set(MATLAB_ROOT /mathworks/devel/sbs/85/aghosh.sandbox2/matlab CACHE PATH "") # Additional variables that are defined conditionally. if(APPLE) if("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" STREQUAL x86_64) list(APPEND MATLAB_ROOT_SYSLIB_PATHS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin/maci64) elseif("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" STREQUAL arm64) list(APPEND MATLAB_ROOT_SYSLIB_PATHS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin/maca64) endif() elseif(UNIX AND ("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" STREQUAL x86_64) AND ("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" STREQUAL Linux)) list(APPEND MATLAB_ROOT_SYSLIB_PATHS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin/glnxa64) elseif(WIN32 AND ("${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" STREQUAL AMD64)) if(MSVC) list(APPEND MATLAB_ROOT_SYSLIB_PATHS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib/win64/microsoft) elseif(MINGW) list(APPEND MATLAB_ROOT_SYSLIB_PATHS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/lib/win64/mingw64) endif() list(APPEND MATLAB_ROOT_SYSLIB_PATHS ${MATLAB_ROOT}/bin/win64 ${MATLAB_ROOT}/lib/win64) endif() # Add common link_directories, including any platform-specific paths under # MATLAB_ROOT. set(EXTRA_SYSLIB_PATHS ${CMAKE_CUDA_TOOLKIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}/../lib64 ${CMAKE_CUDA_TOOLKIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}/../lib64/stubs ${CMAKE_CUDA_TOOLKIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}/../lib ${CMAKE_CUDA_TOOLKIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}/../lib/stubs) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${EXTRA_SYSLIB_PATHS}) link_directories(${EXTRA_SYSLIB_PATHS}) if(DEFINED MATLAB_ROOT_SYSLIB_PATHS) list(APPEND CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH ${MATLAB_ROOT_SYSLIB_PATHS}) link_directories(${MATLAB_ROOT_SYSLIB_PATHS}) endif() if(DEFINED MATLAB_ROOT_SYSINCLUDE_PATHS) list(APPEND CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${MATLAB_ROOT_SYSINCLUDE_PATHS}) endif() ########################################################################### ## System Libraries ########################################################################### find_library(FOUND_LIBM m NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH PATHS ${CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES} ${CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES}) find_library(LIB_CUBLAS NAMES cublas libcublas REQUIRED) ########################################################################### ## Target definition and commands ########################################################################### # Definition of target "fog_rectification". add_library(fog_rectification SHARED ${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification/MWMemoryManager.cpp ${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification/MWLaunchParametersUtilities.cpp ${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification/MWCUBLASUtils.cpp ${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification/ ${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification/ ${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification/ ${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification/ ${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification/ ${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification/ # Set properties for target "fog_rectification". set_target_properties(fog_rectification PROPERTIES PREFIX "" POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS TRUE CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION ON CUDA_ARCHITECTURES OFF CUDA_RESOLVE_DEVICE_SYMBOLS ON) # Specify language features required for target "fog_rectification". target_compile_features(fog_rectification PUBLIC cxx_std_11) # Specify compiler preprocessor definitions for target # "fog_rectification". target_compile_definitions(fog_rectification PRIVATE -DMW_CUDA_ARCH=500 -DMW_GPU_MEMORY_MANAGER -DBUILDING_FOG_RECTIFICATION -DMODEL=fog_rectification) # Specify compiler flags for target "fog_rectification". target_compile_options(fog_rectification PRIVATE $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CUDA>:-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets "SHELL:-diag-suppress 177" "SHELL:-arch sm_50" -fvisibility=hidden > $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:C>:-fvisibility=hidden -fwrapv > $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:-fvisibility=hidden -fwrapv >) # Specify include directories for target "fog_rectification". target_include_directories(fog_rectification PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CUDA_TOOLKIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}) target_include_directories(fog_rectification PUBLIC $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${START_DIR}/codegen/dll/fog_rectification> $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:$<INSTALL_PREFIX>/codegen/dll/fog_rectification> $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${START_DIR}> $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:$<INSTALL_PREFIX>> $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/include>) # Specify linker flags for target "fog_rectification". target_link_options(fog_rectification PRIVATE $<DEVICE_LINK:-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets "SHELL:-diag-suppress 177" "SHELL:-arch sm_50" >) # Specify library link dependencies for target "fog_rectification". CMake # generator expressions are used to create a CMakeLists.txt file that # supports multiple platforms with differently named system library # dependencies. target_link_libraries(fog_rectification PRIVATE cublas cusolver cufft curand cusparse cudadevrt cudart_static) target_link_libraries(fog_rectification PUBLIC ${LIB_CUBLAS} $<$<BOOL:${FOUND_LIBM}>:m>) ########################################################################### ## Target install rules ########################################################################### # Install shared library for target "fog_rectification" # 'RUNTIME' - for Windows .dll files # 'LIBRARY' - for shared libs on non DLL platforms # 'ARCHIVE' - for DLL import libs on Windows install(TARGETS fog_rectification EXPORT fog_rectificationTargets RUNTIME DESTINATION "codegen/dll/fog_rectification" LIBRARY DESTINATION "codegen/dll/fog_rectification" ARCHIVE DESTINATION "codegen/dll/fog_rectification") # Write a rule that generates a wrapper around exported targets to # preserve tokenization of "special" directories (e.g., MATLAB_ROOT). This # avoids hard-coding absolute paths in the CMake file with the code used # to import the targets, and avoids errors when include paths that do not # exist in the current filesystem are defined, for example, after # relocating code using PackNGo. file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fog_rectification.cmake" [=[include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/fog_rectificationTargets.cmake")]=] \n) file(APPEND "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fog_rectification.cmake" [=[set(FOG_RECTIFICATION_TOK_INC_DIRS_ALL]=] \n [=[ ${MATLAB_ROOT}/extern/include)]=] \n [=[foreach(TOKDIR_LOOP IN LISTS FOG_RECTIFICATION_TOK_INC_DIRS_ALL)]=] \n [=[ if(IS_DIRECTORY ${TOKDIR_LOOP})]=] \n [=[ list(APPEND FOG_RECTIFICATION_TOK_INC_DIRS ${TOKDIR_LOOP})]=] \n [=[ endif()]=] \n [=[endforeach()]=] \n [=[target_include_directories(fog_rectification::fog_rectification INTERFACE ${FOG_RECTIFICATION_TOK_INC_DIRS})]=] \n) install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/fog_rectification.cmake" DESTINATION "codegen/dll/fog_rectification/export") # Generate and install a file that allows the targets generated from this # CMakeLists.txt file to be imported into another project. install(EXPORT fog_rectificationTargets NAMESPACE fog_rectification:: DESTINATION codegen/dll/fog_rectification/export) ########################################################################### ## Build success message ########################################################################### add_custom_command(TARGET fog_rectification POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E cmake_echo_color --cyan "\\#\\#\\# Created SHARED library: $<TARGET_FILE:fog_rectification>") ########################################################################### ## Call toolchain hook function if defined ########################################################################### if(COMMAND toolchain_target_hook) toolchain_target_hook(fog_rectification) endif()
To build your target, use one of the following two approaches. If necessary, you can also change the build process (for example, by adding or removing a compiler flag).
Approach 1: Run Generated Build Script
The codegen
command generates a script to build the target (
on Linux platform or fog_rectification.bat
on Windows platform). This script contains a sequence of cmake
commands. Run this script to build your target.
Note: Before running the following code, delete the > /dev/null
if ispc system('fog_rectification.bat'); else system('sh > /dev/null'); end
If necessary, modify the generated CMakeLists.txt
file to customize the build process. To rebuild the target after modifying the CMakeLists.txt
file, run this script again.
Approach 2: Execute cmake
To use this approach, you must have CMake (version greater than 3.18) and Ninja-build on your machine.
The following code changes the generator from gmake to Ninja and then builds the target on a Linux machine.
if isunix % Remove CMake cache files generated from previous run of cmake command rmdir build s % Switch the generator from gmake to ninja and generate the ninja build file system('cmake -G "Ninja" -S . -B build > /dev/null'); % Build the target system('cmake --build build > /dev/null'); end
To run these commands on the Windows platform, you must first configure the environment for Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) setup. One option is to run these commands in a Visual Studio Command Prompt.
Run Generated SIL MEX
Navigate to the original working directory that contains the generated SIL MEX fog_rectification_sil
Run the generated SIL MEX with the foggy image as input. The SIL MEX returns a defogged image.
[outputImage] = fog_rectification_sil(inputImage);
### Starting SIL execution for 'fog_rectification' To terminate execution: clear fog_rectification_sil
Plot the foggy image and the defogged image.
p1 = subplot(1, 2, 1); p2 = subplot(1, 2, 2); imshow(inputImage, 'Parent', p1); imshow(outputImage, 'Parent', p2); title(p1, 'Foggy Input Image'); title(p2, 'Defogged Output Image');