Resample OPC HDA data object to have defined time stamps
resamples data in OPC HDA data object NewObj
= resample(DObj
so that all elements of the
object have the time stamps given by NewTS
If DObj
contains elements with the same item ID, those elements are
combined into one element. So the size of NewObj
might be smaller than
the size of DObj
Values are linearly interpolated or extrapolated to the new time stamps.
Quality for the resampled data is set as follows:
All original values retain their quality.
All interpolated values get a quality of
Interpolated: Good
.All extrapolated values get a quality of
Interpolated: Sub-Normal
NewObj = resample(DObj,NewTS,
uses the specified InterpolationType
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Version History
Introduced before R2006a