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(To be removed) Convert OPC object to MATLAB code

Support for the OPC Data Access (DA) standard will be removed in a future release. Instead use OPC Unified Architecture (UA). See Compatibility Considerations.




obj2mfile(DAObj,'FileName') converts the opcda object DAObj to the equivalent MATLAB® code using the set syntax and saves the MATLAB code to a file specified by FileName. If an extension is not specified, the .m extension is used. Only those properties that are not set to their default values are written to FileName.

obj2mfile(DAObj,'FileName','Syntax') converts the OPC object to the equivalent MATLAB code using the specified 'Syntax' and saves the code to the file, FileName. 'Syntax' can be either 'set' or 'dot'. By default, 'set' is used.

obj2mfile(DAObj,'FileName','Mode') and
obj2mfile(DAObj,'FileName','Syntax','Mode') save the equivalent MATLAB code for all properties if 'Mode' is 'all', and save only the properties that are not set to their default values if 'Mode' is 'modified'. By default, 'modified' is used.

If DAObj’s UserData is not empty or if any of the callback properties is set to a cell array of values or to a function handle, the data stored in those properties is written to a MAT-file when the toolbox object is converted and saved. The MAT-file has the same name as the file containing the toolbox object code, but with a different extension.

The values of read-only properties will not be restored. For example, if an object is saved with a Status property value of 'connected', the object will be recreated with a Status property value of 'disconnected' (the default value). You can use propinfo to determine if a property is read-only.

To recreate DAObj, type the name of the file that you previously created with obj2mfile.


Create a client with a group and an item, then save that client to disk:

da = opcda('localhost','Dummy.Server');
da.Tag = 'myopcTag';
da.Timeout = 300;
grp = addgroup(da,'TestGroup');
itm = additem(grp,'Dummy.Tag1');

Recreate the client under a different name:

copyOfDA = myopc;

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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See Also
