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Select region of interest (ROI) based on color


BW = roicolor(I,low,high) returns an ROI selected as those pixels in image I that lie within the range [low high]. The returned value, BW, is a binary image with 0s outside the region of interest and 1s inside.


BW = roicolor(I,v) returns an ROI selected as those pixels in image I that match values in vector v.


collapse all

Load an indexed image X with colormap map. The colormap has 128 colors. Display the indexed image.

load trees

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Create a binary mask image based on color. The mask is true for pixels with index in the range [10, 20]. The mask is false for pixels with index outside this range.

BW = roicolor(X,10,20);

Display the binary mask.


Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Indexed or grayscale image, specified as an m-by-n numeric matrix.

Minimum value to include in the ROI, specified as a numeric scalar.

Minimum value to include in the ROI, specified as a numeric scalar.

Set of values to include in the ROI, specified as a numeric vector.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Binary image, returned as an m-by-n logical matrix.

Data Types: logical


  • You can use the returned image as a mask for masked filtering using roifilt2.

  • If you specify a colormap range, [low high], then

    BW = (I >= low) & (I <= high)
  • If you specify a set of colormap values, v, then the mask generated by roicolor is equivalent to:

    BW = ismember(I,v)

Version History

Introduced before R2006a