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Data Acquisition with Ouster Lidar Sensors

Get started with Lidar Toolbox™ Support Package for Ouster® Lidar Sensors

You can connect to and stream point clouds from these Ouster sensor models using the Lidar Toolbox Support Package for Ouster Lidar Sensors:

  • OS0-32

  • OS1-32

  • OS2-32

  • OS0-64

  • OS1-64

  • OS2-64

  • OS0-128

  • OS1-128

  • OS2-128

You can access the point cloud data using the ousterlidar object.


ousterlidarStream point clouds from Ouster lidar sensor (Since R2022a)
previewPreview live point cloud data from Ouster lidar sensor (Since R2022a)
closePreviewClose preview of live point cloud data from Ouster lidar sensor (Since R2022a)
startStart streaming point clouds from Ouster lidar sensor (Since R2022a)
flushDelete point clouds from ousterlidar object buffer (Since R2022a)
readRead point clouds from ousterlidar object buffer (Since R2022a)
stopStop streaming point clouds from Ouster lidar sensor (Since R2022a)
