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Stream point clouds from Velodyne LiDAR lidar sensor

Since R2020b

Add-On Required: This feature requires the Lidar Toolbox Support Package for Velodyne LiDAR Sensors add-on.


The velodynelidar object can stream point cloud data from an Velodyne LiDAR® lidar sensor. Using this object, you can read and preview the incoming point clouds.



v = velodynelidar(model) creates a velodynelidar object v that can stream point clouds from the Velodyne LiDAR sensor model model.


v = velodynelidar(model,Name,Value)specifies additional options with one or more name-value pair arguments. You can set these object properties by using the name-value arguments: CalibrationFile, Port, and Timeout. For example, velodynelidar(model,'Timeout',15) sets the time out value to 15 seconds.



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This property is read-only.

Model name of the Velodyne LiDAR sensor, specified as a character vector or string. You must set this property at object creation by using the input argument model.

Valid model names are:

Model ValueVelodyne® Model
'HDL64E'HDL-64E sensor
'HDL32E'HDL-32E sensor
'PuckHiRes'VLP-16 Puck Hi-Res sensor
'PuckLITE'VLP-16 Puck LITE sensor
'VLP16'VLP-16 Puck sensor
'VLP32C'VLP-32C Ultra Puck sensor
'VLS128' or 'AlphaPuck'VLS-128 Alpha Puck sensor

Example: v = velodynelidar('HDL32E')

Data Types: char | string

This property is read-only.

IP address of the Velodyne LiDAR lidar sensor, stored as a character vector. This value is set by the incoming UDP packets from the sensor.

Data Types: char

This property is read-only.

Data port of the Velodyne LiDAR lidar sensor, specified as a positive scalar. The data port for your sensor is listed in the Velodyne sensor web interface Data Port field.

To set this property, you must specify it as a name-value argument at object creation. For example, velodynelidar(model,'Port',3000) sets the data port as 7503.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Number of point clouds available for streaming in the buffer, stored as a positive scalar. This value is set by the object buffer.

Data Types: double

Maximum time to wait for a response from the Velodyne LiDAR lidar sensor, specified as a positive scalar in seconds.

To set this property, you must specify it as a name-value argument at object creation.

Example: velodynelidar(model,'Timeout',15) sets the time out value to 15 seconds.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Sensor streams data, stored as a logical 0(false) or 1(true). The value is 1 if the object receives streaming data from the sensor. You can use the start and stop functions to control data streaming.

Data Types: logical

This property is read-only.

Velodyne LiDAR lidar sensor calibration JSON file, specified as a character vector or string. You must specify the full file path if the calibration file is not in your MATLAB® path.

To set this property, you must specify it as a name-value argument at object creation.

Example: v = velodynelidar('HDL32E','CalibrationFile','C:\...\utilities\velodyneFileReaderConfiguration\HDL32E.xml)'

Data Types: char | string

Object Functions


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When you create the object, you must indicate your hardware model by using the model argument in the object constructor function.

Create a velodynelidar object, v, for use with a model HDL-32E sensor.

v = velodynelidar('HDL32E')
v = 

    velodynelidar object with properties:

                   Model: 'HDL32E'
               IPAddress: ''
                    Port: 2368
 NumPointCloudsAvailable: 0
                 Timeout: 10
               Streaming: 0
         CalibrationFile: 'matlab\...\utilities\velodyneFileReaderConfiguration\HDL32E.xml'

The output shows the object properties. For more information about the properties, see Create a velodynelidar Object and Use Object Properties.

You can also assign other properties to the object by using name-value pairs.

Create a velodynelidar object, v, and increase the timeout to 20 seconds.

v = velodynelidar('HDL32E','Timeout',20)
v = 

    velodynelidar object with properties:

                   Model: 'HDL32E'
               IPAddress: ''
                    Port: 2368
 NumPointCloudsAvailable: 0
                 Timeout: 20
               Streaming: 0
         CalibrationFile: 'matlab\...\utilities\velodyneFileReaderConfiguration\HDL32E.xml'

In the output, you see that the timeout is now set to 20.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b