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Physical control format indicator channel


sym = ltePCFICH(enb,cw) returns the matrix of complex modulation symbols generated by the Physical Control Format Indicator Channel (PCFICH). The channel processing includes the stages of scrambling, QPSK modulation, layer mapping, and precoding. Given input bit vector cw, each column of the 16-by-CellRefP matrix sym contains the 16 QPSK symbols carried by the PCFICH on each of CellRefP transmit antenna ports. The channel is parameterized by structure enb.

The PCFICH is intended to carry the 32-bit block encoding of the CFI. For more information, see lteCFI. The channel expects the input bit vector, cw, to be 32 elements in length. If length(cw) < 32, cw is padded with zeros before channel processing. If length(cw) > 32, only the first 32 elements are used.



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Modulate CFI=1 onto two antenna ports (transmit diversity). The generated PCFICH symbols are stored in a matrix.

Generate PCFICH symbols, using a control format indicator (CFI) value of one and using two antenna ports for transmit diversity.

cfiCodeword = lteCFI(struct('CFI',1));
enb = struct('CellRefP',2,'NCellID',0,'NSubframe',0);

pcfichSymbols = ltePCFICH(enb,cfiCodeword);
sizePCFICHSymbols = size(pcfichSymbols)
sizePCFICHSymbols = 1×2

    16     2

Since two antenna ports were configured, there are two columns in the output matrix.

Input Arguments

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enb is a structure having the following fields.

Physical layer cell identity, specified as an integer from 0 through 503.

Number of cell-specific reference signal (CRS) antenna ports, specified as one of the set (1, 2, 4).

Subframe number, specified as an integer.

Data Types: struct

Input bit vector that is 32 elements in length, specified as a vector. If length(cw) < 32, cw is padded with zeros before channel processing. If length(cw) > 32, only the first 32 elements are used.

Example: cw = lteCFI(struct('CFI',1));

Data Types: int8

Output Arguments

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Complex modulation symbols generated by the PCFICH, returned as a numeric matrix of size 16-by-CellRefP. The channel processing includes the stages of scrambling, QPSK modulation, layer mapping, and precoding. Given input bit vector cw, each column of the 16-by-CellRefP matrix sym contains the 16 QPSK symbols carried by the PCFICH on each of the CellRefP transmit antenna ports. The channel is parameterized by structure enb.

Data Types: double
Complex Number Support: Yes

Version History

Introduced in R2014a