View figure at printed size
The appearance of a map onscreen can differ from the final printed output. This results from the difference in the size and shape of the figure window and the area the figure occupies on the printed page. A map that appears readable on screen might be cluttered when the printed output is smaller. Likewise, the relative position of multiple axes can appear different when printed. This function resizes the figure to the printed size.
Is the text small enough to avoid overlapping in a map of Europe?
figure worldmap europe land=shaperead('landareas.shp','UseGeoCoords',true); geoshow([land.Lat],[land.Lon]) m=gcm; latlim = m.maplatlimit; lonlim = m.maplonlimit; BoundingBox = [lonlim(1) latlim(1);lonlim(2) latlim(2)]; cities=shaperead('worldcities.shp', ... 'BoundingBox',BoundingBox,'UseGeoCoords',true); for index=1:numel(cities) h=textm(cities(index).Lat, cities(index).Lon, ... cities(index).Name); trimcart(h) rotatetext(h) end orient landscape tightmap axis off previewmap
The figure cannot be made larger than the screen.
changes the size of the current
figure to match the printed output. If the resulting figure size exceeds
the screen size, the figure is enlarged as much as possible.
Version History
Introduced before R2006a