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Download, install, and update MATLAB® Online Server™ and MATLAB running on the server

You can install and host MATLAB Online Server on-premises, including air-gapped scenarios, or in cloud environments on virtual or bare-metal infrastructures. You can also centrally manage versions of MATLAB and add-on products by installing them on the server. To learn more about how MATLAB Online Server works, see Host MATLAB Online on Your Infrastructure.

System Commands

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mosadm bootstrap-nodeInstall Kubernetes and configure single-node Kubernetes cluster for MATLAB Online Server
mosadm merge-kube-configMerge Kubernetes configuration files into MATLAB Online Server installation
mosadm install-ingressInstall NGINX ingress controller for MATLAB Online Server
mosadm copy-helm-chartsCopy Helm charts into install location for MATLAB Online Server
mosadm load-docker-imagesLoad Docker images into MATLAB Online Server
mosadm list-docker-imagesList Docker images used by MATLAB Online Server
mosadm install-matlabInstall MATLAB on MATLAB Online Server
mosadm build-matlab-imageBuild MATLAB Docker image for use in MATLAB Online Server
mosadm push-docker-imagesPush Docker images loaded from MATLAB Online Server to image registry
mosadm generate-overridesGenerate override files for configuring MATLAB Online Server
mosadm deployDeploy MATLAB Online Server services to Kubernetes cluster
mosadm build-offline-installerBuild offline installer for MATLAB Online Server
mosadm bootstrap-nodeInstall Kubernetes and configure single-node Kubernetes cluster for MATLAB Online Server
mosadm merge-kube-configMerge Kubernetes configuration files into MATLAB Online Server installation
mosadm install-ingressInstall NGINX ingress controller for MATLAB Online Server
mosadm load-docker-imagesLoad Docker images into MATLAB Online Server
mosadm list-docker-imagesList Docker images used by MATLAB Online Server
mosadm install-matlabInstall MATLAB on MATLAB Online Server
mosadm build-matlab-imageBuild MATLAB Docker image for use in MATLAB Online Server
mosadm push-docker-imagesPush Docker images loaded from MATLAB Online Server to image registry
mosadm generate-overridesGenerate override files for configuring MATLAB Online Server
mosadm deployDeploy MATLAB Online Server services to Kubernetes cluster
mosadm install-ingressInstall NGINX ingress controller for MATLAB Online Server
mosadm copy-helm-chartsCopy Helm charts into install location for MATLAB Online Server
mosadm load-docker-imagesLoad Docker images into MATLAB Online Server
mosadm list-docker-imagesList Docker images used by MATLAB Online Server
mosadm install-matlabInstall MATLAB on MATLAB Online Server
mosadm build-matlab-imageBuild MATLAB Docker image for use in MATLAB Online Server
mosadm push-docker-imagesPush Docker images loaded from MATLAB Online Server to image registry
mosadm generate-overridesGenerate override files for configuring MATLAB Online Server
mosadm deployDeploy MATLAB Online Server services to Kubernetes cluster
mosadm renew-nodeRenew single-node Kubernetes certificates for MATLAB Online Server
mosadm upgradeUpgrade MATLAB Online Server services in Kubernetes cluster
mosadm deployDeploy MATLAB Online Server services to Kubernetes cluster
mosadm undeployRemove MATLAB Online Server services from Kubernetes cluster
mosadm reset-nodeReset single-node Kubernetes cluster running MATLAB Online Server
mosadm undeployRemove MATLAB Online Server services from Kubernetes cluster
mosadm uninstall-ingressUninstall NGINX ingress controller for MATLAB Online Server


Installation Configuration PropertiesConfigure MATLAB Online Server installation (Since R2020a)


Before You Install

Install Server

Install MATLAB Add-Ons

Update Server

Uninstall Server


Resolve License Service Issues

Resolve license manager server connection problems and license checkout failures.

Resolve Pod Creation Stuck Issues

Identify and resolve issues that cause pods to become stuck during MATLAB Online Server installation and configuration.