Performance and Reliability
MATLAB® Online Server™ uses a microservice architecture that supports accelerating the performance of the server. For example, you can scale the server vertically by enabling GPU support, or scale it horizontally by enabling parallel computing. You can also configure your hardware to handle variable or infrequent MATLAB usage.
To make the server more reliable, enable high availability (HA) so that if one pod fails, another pod with the identical configuration immediately takes it place.
- Configure MATLAB Hardware Resources
Allocate hardware resources and provide limits for memory and CPU configuration.
- Configure GPU Support in MATLAB Online Server
Speed up MATLAB code running in MATLAB Online Server by enabling GPU support.
- Integrate MATLAB Online Server with Parallel Computing Toolbox and MATLAB Parallel Server
Configure the server so that MATLAB users can enable parallel computing.
- Enable High Availability in MATLAB Online Server
Enable high availability so that MATLAB Online Server replicates each pod running an individual service.
- Configure NGINX Ingress Controller
Configure an NGINX® ingress controller, which acts as a load balancer for MATLAB Online Server already installed on your cluster.