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Bluetooth Low Energy Communication

Read from and write to Bluetooth® Low Energy peripheral devices

Bluetooth Low Energy (formerly known as Bluetooth Smart) is a wireless communication protocol that uses Bluetooth with low-power peripheral devices. These peripheral devices include fitness trackers, health monitors, and personal electronics such as smartwatches or wireless headphones. Bluetooth Low Energy communication support is different from the Bluetooth Communication interface in MATLAB®.

The Bluetooth Low Energy interface is supported on these platforms:

  • macOS 10.13 High Sierra or later

  • Windows® 10, version 1709 or later

To connect to peripheral devices that support Bluetooth Low Energy, your computer needs to have a built-in or external Bluetooth 4.0 adapter. After you connect to a device, use MATLAB to read from or write data to it. You can work with both standard and custom services, characteristics, and descriptors.

To learn more about the standards and specifications of Bluetooth Low Energy communication, see Bluetooth SIG.

To simulate, analyze, and test Bluetooth communications systems, see Bluetooth Toolbox.


blelistScan nearby Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral devices
bleConnect to Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral device
characteristicAccess a characteristic on Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral device
descriptorAccess a descriptor on Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral device
readRead characteristic or descriptor data on a Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral device
writeWrite data to a characteristic or descriptor on a Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral device
subscribeSubscribe to characteristic notification or indication
unsubscribeUnsubscribe from characteristic notification and indication



Troubleshooting Bluetooth Low Energy

Troubleshoot the Bluetooth Low Energy interface.

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