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(To be removed) Find visible and hidden serial port objects

This serial object function will be removed in a future release. Use serialport object functions instead. For more information on updating your code, see Version History.


out = instrfindall
out = instrfindall('P1',V1,...)
out = instrfindall(s)
out = instrfindall(objs,'P1',V1,...)


out = instrfindall finds all serial port objects, regardless of the value of the object’s ObjectVisibility property. The object or objects are returned to out.

out = instrfindall('P1',V1,...) returns an array, out, of serial port objects whose property names and corresponding property values match those specified as arguments.

out = instrfindall(s) returns an array, out, of serial port objects whose property names and corresponding property values match those specified in the structure s, where the field names correspond to property names and the field values correspond to the current value of the respective property.

out = instrfindall(objs,'P1',V1,...) restricts the search for objects with matching property name/value pairs to the serial port objects listed in objs.

Note that you can use string property name/property value pairs, structures, and cell array property name/property value pairs in the same call to instrfindall.


Suppose you create the following serial port objects on a Windows® platform:

s1 = serial('COM1');
s2 = serial('COM2');

Because object s2 has its ObjectVisibility set to 'off', it is not visible to commands like instrfind:

   Serial Port Object : Serial-COM1

However, instrfindall finds all objects regardless of the value of ObjectVisibility:

	Instrument Object Array
	Index:   Type:          Status:     Name:  
	1        serial         closed      Serial-COM1
	2        serial         closed      Serial-COM2

The following statements use instrfindall to return objects with specific property settings, which are passed as cell arrays:

props = {'PrimaryAddress','SecondaryAddress};
vals = {2,0};
obj = instrfindall(props,vals);

You can use instrfindall as an argument when you want to apply the command to all objects, visible and invisible. For example, the following statement makes all objects visible:



instrfindall differs from instrfind in that it finds objects whose ObjectVisibility property is set to off.

Property values are case sensitive. You must specify property values using the same format as that returned by the get function. For example, if get returns the Name property value as 'MyObject', instrfindall will not find an object with a Name property value of 'myobject'. However, this is not the case for properties that have a finite set of string values. For example, instrfindall will find an object with a Parity property value of 'Even' or 'even'.

Version History

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R2024a: instrfind and instrfindall will be removed

The instrfind and instrafindall functions will be removed. Use serialportfind instead.

See Also


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