matlab.automation.diagnostics.FunctionHandleDiagnostic Class
Namespace: matlab.automation.diagnostics
Superclasses: matlab.automation.diagnostics.Diagnostic
Diagnostic result using displayed output of function
Renamed from matlab.unittest.diagnostics.FunctionHandleDiagnostic
in R2023a
The matlab.automation.diagnostics.FunctionHandleDiagnostic
class defines a
diagnostic result using the displayed output of a function. This output is the same as the
text displayed at the command prompt when MATLAB® runs the function. If diagnostic information is available from the displayed
output of a function, use the FunctionHandleDiagnostic
class to display that
diagnostic information.
When using qualification methods such as verifyThat
, you can specify the test diagnostic directly as a function handle. In
this case, the testing framework automatically constructs a
object and associates it with the specified function
The matlab.automation.diagnostics.FunctionHandleDiagnostic
class is a handle