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File formats that VideoReader supports


formats = VideoReader.getFileFormats() returns an array of audiovideo.FileFormatInfo objects that indicate which formats VideoReader can read on the current system.



collapse all

View the list of file formats that VideoReader supports on your system.

fmts = VideoReader.getFileFormats()
Video File Formats:
    .avi - AVI File
    .mj2 - Motion JPEG2000
    .ogg - OGG File
    .ogv - OGG Video

This output is for a specific Linux® system. Your results might differ.

Check whether VideoReader can read AVI files on the current system.

fmtList = VideoReader.getFileFormats();

if any(ismember({fmtList.Extension},'avi'))
     disp('VideoReader can read AVI files on this system.');
     disp('VideoReader cannot read AVI files on this system.');
VideoReader can read AVI files on this system.

Create a dialog box that allows a user to select a video file interactively.

Get the supported file formats.

formats = VideoReader.getFileFormats()
Video File Formats:
    .asf - ASF File
    .avi - AVI File
    .m4v - MPEG-4 Video
    .mj2 - Motion JPEG2000
    .mov - QuickTime movie
    .mp4 - MPEG-4
    .mpg - MPEG-1
    .wmv - Windows Media Video

This output is for a Windows® system. Your results might differ.

Convert the formats array to a filter list.

filterSpec = getFilterSpec(formats)
filterSpec =

  10×2 cell array

    {'*.asf;*.avi;*.m4v;*.mj2;*.mov;*.mp4;*.mpg;*.wmv;'}    {'All Video Files'            }
    {'*.asf'                                           }    {'ASF File (*.asf)'           }
    {'*.avi'                                           }    {'AVI File (*.avi)'           }
    {'*.m4v'                                           }    {'MPEG-4 Video (*.m4v)'       }
    {'*.mj2'                                           }    {'Motion JPEG2000 (*.mj2)'    }
    {'*.mov'                                           }    {'QuickTime movie (*.mov)'    }
    {'*.mp4'                                           }    {'MPEG-4 (*.mp4)'             }
    {'*.mpg'                                           }    {'MPEG-1 (*.mpg)'             }
    {'*.wmv'                                           }    {'Windows Media Video (*.wmv)'}
    {'*.*'                                             }    {'All Files (*.*)'            }

filterSpec is a cell array that includes 'All Video Files' in the first row, and 'All Files (*.*)' in the last row.

Create the dialog box using uigetfile.

[filename,pathname] = uigetfile(filterSpec);

Output Arguments

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Supported video file formats, returned as an array of audiovideo.FileFormatInfo objects with the following properties.

ExtensionFile extension.
DescriptionText description of the file format.
ContainsVideoLogical value that indicates whether VideoReader can read video from this format.
ContainsAudioLogical value that indicates whether VideoReader can read audio from this format.

VideoReader cannot always read a particular video file even if getFileFormats lists its format. For more information, see Supported Video File Formats.

On Windows and UNIX® systems, the list of file formats does not always contain all the formats that VideoReader can read on your system. getFileFormats returns a platform-dependent, static list of formats that VideoReader can read on most systems.

Version History

Introduced in R2010b

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