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Display a list of installed Arduino libraries

Add-On Required: This feature requires the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware add-on.


lib = listArduinoLibraries(); creates a list of available Arduino® libraries and saves the list to the variable lib.



collapse all

List libraries installed on your system.

lib = listArduinoLibraries()
lib =

  11×1 cell array

    {'APDS9960'              }
    {'CAN'                   }
    {'I2C'                   }
    {'MotorCarrier'          }
    {'RotaryEncoder'         }
    {'SPI'                   }
    {'Serial'                }
    {'Servo'                 }
    {'ShiftRegister'         }
    {'Ultrasonic'            }

Output Arguments

collapse all

List of available Arduino libraries specified as an object or a cell array of character vectors.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

See Also

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