Troubleshoot Connecting to BeagleBone Black Hardware
Connection Timed Out
Creating a connection to BeagleBone® Black hardware produces an error:
bbb = beaglebone
The error states that beaglebone
cannot establish a
connection to the board with the given device address, user name, and
To solve this issue:
If you have just started the BeagleBone Black hardware, wait two to four minutes. Then, try creating a connection again.
Verify the power and network connection on the BeagleBone Black hardware.
Perform steps described in Install BeagleBone Black Drivers.
If the BeagleBone Black hardware has a different device address from the previous connection, complete the steps in Get IP Address of BeagleBone Black Hardware and Create Connection to a Board That Has Different Settings.
Active Connection Already Exists
Reconnecting to BeagleBone Black hardware produces an error:
bbb = beaglebone
The error states than an active connection still exists to the BeagleBone Black board.
To address this error, clear objects that were created using the previous connection as described in Connect to BeagleBone Black Hardware