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Update patient coordinate system convention

Since R2022b


orientR = orient(R,targetSpace) updates the patient coordinate system convention of the spatial referencing information R to the specified convention targetSpace and returns an equivalent spatial referencing information object, orientR, that uses the specified patient coordinate system convention. Use this function to set or update the patient coordinate system orientation, such as from LPS+ to RAS+.



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Update the orientation of the medical spatial referencing object for a chest CT volume saved as a directory of DICOM files. The volume is part of a data set containing three CT volumes. The size of the entire data set is approximately 81 MB. Download the data set from the MathWorks® website, then unzip the folder.

zipFile = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile("medical","");
filepath = fileparts(zipFile);

Specify the directory of the DICOM files for the first CT volume in the data set.

dataFolder = fullfile(filepath,"MedicalVolumeDICOMData","LungCT01"); 

Create a medical volume object that contains the image and spatial metadata for the CT volume.

medVol = medicalVolume(dataFolder);

The VolumeGeometry property of the medical volume object contains a medicalref3d object that specifies the spatial referencing for the volume. Extract the medicalref3d object for the chest CT.

R = medVol.VolumeGeometry
R = 
  medicalref3d with properties:

                 VolumeSize: [512 512 88]
                   Position: [88×3 double]
             VoxelDistances: {[88×3 double]  [88×3 double]  [88×3 double]}
    PatientCoordinateSystem: "LPS+"
               PixelSpacing: [88×2 double]
                   IsAffine: 1
              IsAxesAligned: 1
                    IsMixed: 0

The PatientCoordinateSystem property of the medicalref3d object specifies the patient coordinate system orientation. The initial orientation, based on the DICOM file metadata, is LPS+. An LPS+ orientation indicates that the positive x-, y-, and z-axes of the patient coordinate system point in the left, posterior, and superior directions, respectively.

ans = 

Update the patient coordinate system orientation to the RAS+ orientation. An RAS+ orientation indicates that the positive x-, y-, and z-axes of the patient coordinate system point in the right, anterior, and superior directions, respectively. The orient object function returns a new medicalref3d object, orientR. In addition to the PatientCoordinateSystem property, the Position and VoxelDistances property values reflect the new orientation of orientR.

orientR = orient(R,"RAS+")
orientR = 
  medicalref3d with properties:

                 VolumeSize: [512 512 88]
                   Position: [88×3 double]
             VoxelDistances: {[-0.7285 0 0]  [0 -0.7285 0]  [0 0 2.5000]}
    PatientCoordinateSystem: "RAS+"
               PixelSpacing: [0.7285 0.7285]
                   IsAffine: 1
              IsAxesAligned: 1
                    IsMixed: 0

Input Arguments

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Spatial referencing information, specified as a medicalref3d object.

Target orientation convention of the patient coordinate system, specified as "LPS+", "LAS+", or "RAS+". The first three characters indicate the positive direction of the x-, y-, and z-axes of the patient coordinate system, respectively.

  • The positive direction of the x-axis points left ("L") or right ("R").

  • The positive direction of the y-axis points anterior ("A") or posterior ("P").

  • The positive direction of the z-axis points inferior ("I") or superior ("S").

  • "+" indicates that values increase in the stated direction.

For example, "LPS+" specifies a patient coordinate system with the x-, y-, and z-axes positive in the left, posterior, and superior directions, respectively.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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Spatial referencing information with the target patient coordinate system convention, returned as a medicalref3d object. Which properties of this object the orient function updates from R depends on the PatientCoordinateSystem property of R.

  • If PatientCoordinateSystem is "unknown", then orient updates only the PatientCoordinateSystem of orientR.

  • If PatientCoordinateSystem is not "unknown", then orient updates the VoxelDistances and Position properties of orientR, in addition to the PatientCoordinateSystem property, to maintain the correct mapping between the intrinsic and patient coordinate system axes.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

See Also