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拟合常微分方程 (ODE)

此示例说明如何以两种方式对数据进行 ODE 的参数拟合。第一种方式是直接对洛仑兹方程组的部分解进行恒速圆周轨迹拟合。洛仑兹方程组是著名的 ODE,高度依赖于初始参数。第二个示例说明如何修改洛仑兹方程组的参数,以拟合恒速圆周轨迹。您可以针对您的应用使用适当的方法,作为对数据进行微分方程拟合的模型。


洛仑兹方程组是常微分方程组(请参阅洛仑兹方程组)。对于实数常量 σ,ρ,β,方程组为


一个敏感系统的洛仑兹参数值是 σ=10,β=8/3,ρ=28。从 [x(0),y(0),z(0)] = [10,20,10] 开始启动系统,查看系统从时间 0 到 100 的演变。

sigma = 10;
beta = 8/3;
rho = 28;
f = @(t,a) [-sigma*a(1) + sigma*a(2); rho*a(1) - a(2) - a(1)*a(3); -beta*a(3) + a(1)*a(2)];
xt0 = [10,20,10];
[tspan,a] = ode45(f,[0 100],xt0);     % Runge-Kutta 4th/5th order ODE solver
view([-10.0 -2.0])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

演变相当复杂。但在很短的时间区间内,它看起来有点像匀速圆周运动。绘制 [0,1/10] 时间区间内的解。

[tspan,a] = ode45(f,[0 1/10],xt0);     % Runge-Kutta 4th/5th order ODE solver
view([-30 -70])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

对 ODE 解进行圆周路径拟合


  • 路径与 x-y 平面间的夹角 θ(1)

  • 平面与 x 轴向倾角间的夹角 θ(2)

  • 半径 R

  • 速度 V

  • 相对于时间 0 的时移 t0

  • 空间 delta 中的三维位移

根据这些参数,可确定时间 xdata 的圆周轨迹的位置。

type fitlorenzfn
function f = fitlorenzfn(x,xdata)

theta = x(1:2);
R = x(3);
V = x(4);
t0 = x(5);
delta = x(6:8);
f = zeros(length(xdata),3);
f(:,3) = R*sin(theta(1))*sin(V*(xdata - t0)) + delta(3);
f(:,1) = R*cos(V*(xdata - t0))*cos(theta(2)) ...
    - R*sin(V*(xdata - t0))*cos(theta(1))*sin(theta(2)) + delta(1);
f(:,2) = R*sin(V*(xdata - t0))*cos(theta(1))*cos(theta(2)) ...
    - R*cos(V*(xdata - t0))*sin(theta(2)) + delta(2);

要求得洛仑兹方程组在 ODE 解的时间点处的最佳拟合圆周轨迹,请使用 lsqcurvefit。为了将参数保持在合理的范围内,可对各参数设置边界。

lb = [-pi/2,-pi,5,-15,-pi,-40,-40,-40];
ub = [pi/2,pi,60,15,pi,40,40,40];
theta0 = [0;0];
R0 = 20;
V0 = 1;
t0 = 0;
delta0 = zeros(3,1);
x0 = [theta0;R0;V0;t0;delta0];
[xbest,resnorm,residual] = lsqcurvefit(@fitlorenzfn,x0,tspan,a,lb,ub);
Local minimum possible.

lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to 
its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.

绘制 ODE 解的时间点处的最佳拟合圆周点以及洛仑兹方程组的解。

soln = a + residual;
hold on
legend('ODE Solution','Circular Arc')
hold off

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent ODE Solution, Circular Arc.

hold on
legend('ODE Solution','Circular Arc')
hold off

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent ODE Solution, Circular Arc.

对圆弧进行 ODE 拟合

现在修改参数 σ,β,andρ,使其与圆弧最佳拟合。为了更好地拟合,也允许初始点 [10,20,10] 发生改变。

为此,编写函数文件 paramfun,该文件采用 ODE 拟合的参数,并计算在时间 t 上的轨迹。

type paramfun
function pos = paramfun(x,tspan)

sigma = x(1);
beta = x(2);
rho = x(3);
xt0 = x(4:6);
f = @(t,a) [-sigma*a(1) + sigma*a(2); rho*a(1) - a(2) - a(1)*a(3); -beta*a(3) + a(1)*a(2)];
[~,pos] = ode45(f,tspan,xt0);

要找到最佳参数,可使用 lsqcurvefit 来最小化新计算的 ODE 轨迹和圆弧 soln 之差。

xt0 = zeros(1,6);
xt0(1) = sigma;
xt0(2) = beta;
xt0(3) = rho;
xt0(4:6) = soln(1,:);
[pbest,presnorm,presidual,exitflag,output] = lsqcurvefit(@paramfun,xt0,tspan,soln);
Local minimum possible.

lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to 
its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.


fprintf('New parameters: %f, %f, %f',pbest(1:3))
New parameters: 9.132446, 2.854998, 27.937986
fprintf('Original parameters: %f, %f, %f',[sigma,beta,rho])
Original parameters: 10.000000, 2.666667, 28.000000

参数 sigmabeta 大约改变 10%。


hold on
odesl = presidual + soln;
legend('ODE Solution','Circular Arc')
view([-30 -70])
hold off

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent ODE Solution, Circular Arc.

ODE 拟合中的问题

优化仿真或常微分方程中所述,优化器可能会因为数值 ODE 解中的固有噪声而遇到问题。如果您怀疑解不理想(例如,退出消息或退出标志指示解可能不准确),则可尝试更改有限差分运算。在本示例中,我们使用了更大的有限差分步长和中心有限差分。

options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit','FiniteDifferenceStepSize',1e-4,...
[pbest2,presnorm2,presidual2,exitflag2,output2] = ...
Local minimum possible.

lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to 
its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.


   20.0637   20.0637
