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Set Initial Condition for Model with Fine Mesh Using Solution Obtained with Coarser Mesh

Set initial conditions for a model with a fine mesh by using the coarse-mesh solution from a previous analysis.

Create a PDE model and include the geometry of the built-in function squareg.

model = createpde;

Specify the coefficients, apply boundary conditions, and set initial conditions.


Generate a comparatively coarse mesh with the target maximum element edge length of 0.1.


Solve the model for the entire time span of 0 through 0.02 seconds.

tlist = linspace(0,2E-2,20);
Rtotal = solvepde(model,tlist);

Interpolate the solution at the origin for the entire time span.

singleSpanSol = Rtotal.interpolateSolution(0,0,1:numel(tlist)); 

Now solve the model for the first half of the time span. You will use this solution as an initial condition when solving the model with a finer mesh for the second half of the time span.

tlist1 = linspace(0,1E-2,10);
R1 = solvepde(model,tlist1);

Create an interpolant to interpolate the initial condition.

x = model.Mesh.Nodes(1,:)';
y = model.Mesh.Nodes(2,:)';
interpolant = scatteredInterpolant(x,y,R1.NodalSolution(:,end));

Generate a finer mesh by setting the target maximum element edge length to 0.05.


Use the coarse mesh model results as the initial condition for the model with the finer mesh. For the definition of the icFcn function, see Initial Conditions Function.

setInitialConditions(model,@(region) icFcn(region,interpolant));

Solve the model for the second half of the time span.

tlist2 = linspace(1E-2,2E-2,10);
R2 = solvepde(model,tlist2);

Interpolate the solutions at the origin for the first and the second halves of the time span.

multispanSol1 = R1.interpolateSolution(0,0,1:numel(tlist1));
multispanSol2 = R2.interpolateSolution(0,0,1:numel(tlist2));

Plot all three solutions at the origin.

hold on
plot(tlist1, multispanSol1,"r*")
plot(tlist2, multispanSol2,"ko")
legend("Overall solution","Coarse mesh solution", "Fine mesh solution")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 3 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Overall solution, Coarse mesh solution, Fine mesh solution.

Initial Conditions Function

function u0 = icFcn(region,interpolant)
u0 = interpolant(region.x',region.y');