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Doppler steering vector


DSTV = dopsteeringvec(dopplerfreq,numpulses) returns the temporal (time-domain) Doppler steering vector for a target at a normalized Doppler frequency of dopplerfreq in hertz. The pulse repetition frequency is assumed to be 1 Hz.

DSTV = dopsteeringvec(dopplerfreq,numpulses,PRF) specifies the pulse repetition frequency, PRF.



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Calculate the steering vector corresponding to a Doppler frequency of 200 Hz. Assume there are 10 pulses and the PRF is 1 kHz.

dstv = dopsteeringvec(200,10,1000)
dstv = 10×1 complex

   1.0000 + 0.0000i
   0.3090 + 0.9511i
  -0.8090 + 0.5878i
  -0.8090 - 0.5878i
   0.3090 - 0.9511i
   1.0000 - 0.0000i
   0.3090 + 0.9511i
  -0.8090 + 0.5878i
  -0.8090 - 0.5878i
   0.3090 - 0.9511i

Input Arguments

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Doppler frequencies in hertz, specified as a scalar or vector. The normalized Doppler frequency is the Doppler frequency divided by the pulse repetition frequency. Every element of dopplerfreq must be smaller than or equal to one-half the pulse repetition frequency PRF.

Data Types: single | double

Number of pulses, specified as a positive integer scalar. The time-domain Doppler steering vector consists of numpulses samples taken at intervals of 1/PRF (slow-time samples).

Data Types: single | double

Pulse repetition frequency in hertz, specified as a positive scalar. The time-domain Doppler steering vector consists of numpulses samples taken at intervals of 1/PRF (slow-time samples). The normalized Doppler frequency is the Doppler frequency divided by the pulse repetition frequency.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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Temporal Doppler steering vector, returned as a column vector or a matrix. DSTV has numpulses rows and a number of columns equal to the number of elements of dopplerfreq.

More About

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Temporal Doppler Steering Vector

The temporal (time-domain) steering vector corresponding to a point scatterer is:


where n = 0,1,2, ..., N – 1 are slow-time samples (one sample from each of N pulses), fd is the Doppler frequency, and Tp is the pulse repetition interval. The product of the Doppler frequency and the pulse repetition interval is the normalized Doppler frequency.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2011a