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Remaining Useful Life Estimation of a DC-Link Capacitor in a Power Converter

This example shows the design and implementation of a remaining useful life (RUL) estimation algorithm for an aluminum electrolytic DC-link capacitor in an AC-DC-AC power converter system. The degradation data of the DC-link capacitor is generated using a Simulink® model and Simscape™ Electrical™ blocks.

The degradation profiles of the DC-link capacitor capacitance and equivalent series resistance (ESR) are injected into the corresponding Series RLC Branch block parameters in the model over a simulated lifetime of 24 months. The resulting training data set (i.e., features and the health indicator) for the RUL algorithm is generated through the use of a simulation ensemble. Accessing logged simulation data using a simulation ensemble simplifies the processing and analysis of the degradation data for feature extraction and the subsequent training of the RUL algorithm.

AC-DC-AC Power Converter

A 60 Hz, 25 kV source feeds a 50 Hz, 50 kW load through an AC-DC-AC converter. The 60 Hz, 600 V voltage obtained at the secondary of the Wye/Delta transformer is first rectified using a six-pulse-diode bridge. The filtered DC voltage is applied to an IGBT two-level inverter generating a 50 Hz power output, which then drives the 380 Vrms AC load. The IGBT inverter uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) at a 2 kHz carrier frequency. The circuit is discretized at a sample time of 20 μs (50 kHz).

mdl = 'pdmACDCACConverter';
Warning: Unrecognized function or variable 'CloneDetectionUI.internal.CloneDetectionPerspective.register'.

The DC-link capacitor, which is used as a filter at the output of the rectifier, has an initial capacitance of 5000 μF and an ESR of 40 mΩ. The role of the DC-link capacitor in the power converter is to suppress large voltage fluctuations and current ripples arising from the switching behavior of the inverter.

Electrolytic DC-Link Capacitor Failures

Aluminum electrolytic capacitors degrade over time because of aging, mechanical vibrations, large temperature variations during operation, and evaporation of the electrolyte within the aluminum case. The capacitance and ESR typically degrade linearly and exponentially over time according to the following relationships, respectively [1]:


For electrolytic DC-link capacitors, the generally accepted failure threshold is a 30% percent reduction in capacitance or a 100% increase in ESR, so that


at the time of failure, tf.

C0 = 5000e-6;
ESR0 = 40e-3;

Cf = 0.7*C0;
ESRf = 2.0*ESR0;

In this example, the degradation of the capacitance and the ESR until failure is simulated over a lifetime of 24 months in order to generate sufficient degradation data and subsequently create the training data set (features) for the RUL model.

Tf = 2*365;
t = (0:Tf)';
C = C0-(C0-Cf)*t/Tf;
ESR = ESR0*exp(log(ESRf/ESR0)*t/Tf);

Plot the degradation profiles for the capacitance and ESR:

title('Degradation Profiles of C and ESR')
xlabel('Time (days)')

yyaxis left
ylabel('Capacitance (\muF)')

yyaxis right
ylabel('Resistance (m\Omega)')

legend('Capacitance', 'Resistance')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Degradation Profiles of C and ESR, xlabel Time (days), ylabel Resistance (m Omega ) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent Capacitance, Resistance.

Generate Degradation Data Using Simulink and Simscape

The RUL algorithm uses features extracted from the degradation data, which you obtain by simulating the power converter model over the lifetime of the DC-link capacitor. The model measures the voltage and current on one of the phases of the load, the voltage and current across the DC-link capacitor, and the voltage on one of the phases at the inverter output.

Simulate Component Degradation

The power converter model is configured with variables that control the capacitance and ESR of the DC-link capacitor. By varying the Model Workspace variables (C and ESR), you can create degradation data over the lifetime of the DC-link capacitor.

Use an array of Simulink.SimulationInput objects to define a number of simulation scenarios. For example, you can choose an array of values for the two model variables to represent the degradation of the DC-link capacitor over time and then create a Simulink.SimulationInput object for each combination of these model variable values. Capture the degraded component values once every 30 days using a for-loop.

siminputs = [];
for k = 1:30:numel(t)
  siminput = Simulink.SimulationInput(mdl);
  siminput = siminput.setVariable('C',C(k),'Workspace',mdl);
  siminput = siminput.setVariable('ESR',ESR(k),'Workspace',mdl);
  siminputs = [siminputs,siminput]; %#ok<AGROW>

This code creates 25 simulation inputs from the vectors of degradation variable values stored in variables C and ESR, corresponding to one set of measurements every 30 days over the two-year lifetime of the simulated test system.

With the array of Simulink.SimulationInput objects defined, use the generateSimulationEnsemble function to run the simulations. The generateSimulationEnsemble function configures the model to save logged data to files, use the timetable format for signal logging, and store the Simulink.SimulationInput objects in the saved files as additional metadata. The function returns a status flag indicating whether the simulations completed successfully.

folder = fullfile(pwd,'Data');
if ~exist(folder,'dir')
[ok,e] = generateSimulationEnsemble(siminputs,folder);
[26-Jun-2024 13:10:24] Running simulations...
[26-Jun-2024 13:10:44] Completed 1 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:10:47] Completed 2 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:10:49] Completed 3 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:10:51] Completed 4 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:10:54] Completed 5 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:10:55] Completed 6 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:10:57] Completed 7 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:10:59] Completed 8 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:00] Completed 9 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:02] Completed 10 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:03] Completed 11 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:05] Completed 12 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:07] Completed 13 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:08] Completed 14 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:10] Completed 15 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:11] Completed 16 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:13] Completed 17 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:15] Completed 18 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:17] Completed 19 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:19] Completed 20 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:22] Completed 21 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:26] Completed 22 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:28] Completed 23 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:31] Completed 24 of 25 simulation runs
[26-Jun-2024 13:11:37] Completed 25 of 25 simulation runs

The generateSimulationEnsemble logs the simulation results for each run. Create a simulation ensemble to process and analyze the simulation results using the simulationEnsembleDatastore command.

ens = simulationEnsembleDatastore(folder)
ens = 
  simulationEnsembleDatastore with properties:

           DataVariables: [7×1 string]
    IndependentVariables: [0×0 string]
      ConditionVariables: [0×0 string]
       SelectedVariables: [7×1 string]
                ReadSize: 1
              NumMembers: 25
          LastMemberRead: [0×0 string]
                   Files: [25×1 string]

Simulation ensemble contains the data from all the signals logged during simulations as well as some metadata associated with each simulation.

ans = 7×1 string

Preprocess Simulation Results

For analysis, use only the voltage and current measurements across the capacitor and the load. These signals are more likely to contain features indicative of the degradation of the DC-link capacitor over its lifetime. Specify these measurements in the SelectedVariables property of the ensemble.

ens.SelectedVariables = ["Iload";"Vload";"Vdclink";"Idclink"];
data = read(ens)
data=1×4 table
           Iload                  Vload                 Vdclink                Idclink      
    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________    ___________________

    {10001×1 timetable}    {10001×1 timetable}    {10001×1 timetable}    {10001×1 timetable}

Extract the signals from the data returned for the first ensemble member and plot them to allow a visual inspection of the data.

Vload = data.Vload{1};
title('Phase-to-Phase Load Voltage: Vload')
ylabel('Voltage (V)')

Vdclink = data.Vdclink{1};
title('DC-Link Capacitor Voltage: Vdclink')
ylabel('Voltage (V)')

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Phase-to-Phase Load Voltage: Vload, xlabel Time, ylabel Voltage (V) contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title DC-Link Capacitor Voltage: Vdclink, xlabel Time, ylabel Voltage (V) contains an object of type line.

The DC-Link Capacitor Voltage plot shows that there are initial transients for up to 50 ms during the simulation. These transients, which are due to the initial conditions of the model, must be ignored so that you use only the steady-state segments of the signals for further analysis. To process all the simulation ensemble members, use the hasdata command to apply the prepareData_dclink function to all the simulation data. This command removes the signal transients that are less than 50 ms from the beginning of all logged signals.

ens.DataVariables = unique([ens.DataVariables;"Iload_reduced";"Vload_reduced";"Vdclink_reduced";"Idclink_reduced"]);
while hasdata(ens)
  data = read(ens);
  shortData = prepareData_dclink(data);

ens.SelectedVariables = ["Iload_reduced";"Vload_reduced";"Vdclink_reduced";"Idclink_reduced"];
data = read(ens)
data=1×4 table
      Iload_reduced         Vload_reduced        Vdclink_reduced       Idclink_reduced  
    __________________    __________________    __________________    __________________

    {7501×1 timetable}    {7501×1 timetable}    {7501×1 timetable}    {7501×1 timetable}

After removing the transients, plot a short segment of the DC-link capacitor voltage and current signals for every member of the ensemble using the hasdata and read commands:

while hasdata(ens)
  data = read(ens);

  Vdclink_reduced = data.Vdclink_reduced{1};
  hold on

  Idclink_reduced = data.Idclink_reduced{1};
  hold on

hold off
title('Segments of DC-Link Capacitor Voltages')
ylabel('Voltage (V)')

hold off;
title('Segments of DC-Link Capacitor Currents')
ylabel('Current (A)')

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Segments of DC-Link Capacitor Voltages, xlabel Time, ylabel Voltage (V) contains 25 objects of type line. Axes object 2 with title Segments of DC-Link Capacitor Currents, xlabel Time, ylabel Current (A) contains 25 objects of type line.

The voltage across the DC-link capacitor seems to show more variation over the lifetime of the capacitor. Therefore, the Vdclink_reduced signal of the ensemble members will likely be a good candidate for feature extraction.

Live Remaining Useful Life Estimation with Simulation-in-the-Loop

In order to train and implement an RUL model, you will need to extract a number of diagnostic features and combine some of those features to construct a scalar health indicator (HI). The health indicator will be the input to the RUL model for training and prediction. Therefore, the HI needs to be a reliable indicator of the overall degradation of the system.

Extracting Features

The Diagnostic Feature Designer app was used to create and rank a number of features extracted from the logged signals. You can launch the Diagnostic Feature Designer app using the following command, import the simulation file ensemble ens into the app by clicking New Session, and select only the Vdclink_reduced variable of the ensemble for data processing and feature extraction:

%app1 = diagnosticFeatureDesigner;

In this example, we first applied Signal Envelope data processing (with a bandpass filter of 2000 Hz center frequency and 200 Hz bandwidth) upon the shortened DC-link capacitor voltage signals. Signal enveloping helps separate the high-frequency content in the signals that are due to the PWM driver from the low-frequency content that carries more relevant information about the degradation behavior of the DC-link capacitor.

Screenshot of the Diagnostic Feature Designer app after applying signal envelope processing to the simulation data.

We have then extracted various Signal Features (i.e., basic statistics) from the signal envelope of the DC-link capacitor voltage measurements.

Screenshot of the Diagnostic Feature Designer app before extracting Signal Features from the simulation data.

Finally, the resulting signal features were ranked using the Unsupervised Ranking method of Variance (using 50% Correlation Importance and meanvar Normalization Scheme as parameters) to see which features would be good candidates (if used individually) for predicting the degradation of the DC-link capacitor.

Screenshot of Diagnostic Feature Designer app after ranking the signal features by variance.

After creating various features from the logged signals, the code generation capability of the app was used to generate the diagnosticFeatures_dclink function that encapsulates all the computations needed to generate the same set of ranked features as obtained in the app.

It is important to make sure that the rows of the resulting feature table are sorted in the same order of the successive simulations of the degradation of the system. Therefore, sort the feature table rows to match the simulation number embedded in the name of ensemble data files. The feature table now contains the predictive features that you can use to construct a reliable health indicator and train the RUL model.

featureTable = diagnosticFeatures_dclink(ens);

files = ens.Files;
tokens = regexp(files,'(\d+).mat','tokens');
I = cellfun(@(c)double(c{1}),tokens);
[~,J] = sort(I);

featureTable = featureTable(J,:)
featureTable=25×13 table
    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/ClearanceFactor    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/CrestFactor    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/ImpulseFactor    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/Kurtosis    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/Mean    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/PeakValue    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/RMS    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/SINAD    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/SNR    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/ShapeFactor    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/Skewness    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/Std    Vdclink_reduced_env_sigstats/THD
    ____________________________________________    ________________________________________    __________________________________________    _____________________________________    _________________________________    ______________________________________    ________________________________    __________________________________    ________________________________    ________________________________________    _____________________________________    ________________________________    ________________________________

                       64.342                                         7.454                                       29.152                                     38.808                                  1.225                                  35.711                                 4.7908                               12.257                                16.52                                   3.911                                    5.9618                                 4.6319                             -14.296             
                       63.156                                        7.4539                                       28.952                                     38.824                                 1.2334                                   35.71                                 4.7908                               12.255                               16.516                                  3.8841                                    5.9629                                 4.6296                             -14.296             
                       61.985                                        7.4539                                       28.748                                     38.841                                 1.2422                                   35.71                                 4.7907                               12.254                               16.512                                  3.8567                                     5.964                                 4.6272                             -14.296             
                       60.827                                        7.4537                                       28.541                                     38.858                                 1.2512                                  35.709                                 4.7907                               12.253                               16.508                                   3.829                                    5.9651                                 4.6248                             -14.296             
                       59.683                                        7.4536                                        28.33                                     38.875                                 1.2604                                  35.708                                 4.7907                               12.252                               16.505                                  3.8009                                    5.9662                                 4.6223                             -14.297             
                       58.553                                        7.4534                                       28.117                                     38.893                                   1.27                                  35.707                                 4.7908                                12.25                               16.502                                  3.7724                                    5.9674                                 4.6197                             -14.297             
                       57.438                                        7.4531                                       27.901                                     38.911                                 1.2798                                  35.707                                 4.7908                               12.249                               16.497                                  3.7435                                    5.9685                                 4.6171                             -14.297             
                       56.336                                        7.4528                                       27.681                                     38.929                                 1.2899                                  35.706                                 4.7909                               12.248                               16.494                                  3.7142                                    5.9697                                 4.6143                             -14.297             
                       55.249                                        7.4524                                       27.459                                     38.948                                 1.3003                                  35.705                                  4.791                               12.247                               16.492                                  3.6846                                    5.9708                                 4.6115                             -14.297             
                       54.176                                         7.452                                       27.234                                     38.967                                  1.311                                  35.704                                 4.7912                               12.246                               16.489                                  3.6546                                     5.972                                 4.6087                             -14.298             
                       53.118                                        7.4514                                       27.005                                     38.987                                 1.3221                                  35.703                                 4.7914                               12.245                               16.486                                  3.6242                                    5.9731                                 4.6057                             -14.298             
                       52.074                                        7.4508                                       26.774                                     39.006                                 1.3334                                  35.702                                 4.7916                               12.244                               16.481                                  3.5934                                    5.9743                                 4.6027                             -14.298             
                       51.044                                        7.4502                                        26.54                                     39.026                                 1.3451                                  35.701                                 4.7919                               12.243                               16.479                                  3.5624                                    5.9755                                 4.5995                             -14.298             
                       50.029                                        7.4494                                       26.303                                     39.047                                 1.3572                                  35.699                                 4.7922                               12.242                               16.477                                   3.531                                    5.9766                                 4.5963                             -14.299             
                       49.029                                        7.4485                                       26.064                                     39.067                                 1.3696                                  35.698                                 4.7926                               12.242                               16.476                                  3.4992                                    5.9778                                 4.5931                             -14.299             
                       48.043                                        7.4476                                       25.822                                     39.088                                 1.3824                                  35.697                                 4.7931                               12.241                               16.474                                  3.4672                                    5.9789                                 4.5897                             -14.299             

Train RUL Prediction Model

We have used the Health Indicator Designer app to construct a health indicator for training the RUL model and predicting the RUL of the DC-link capacitor. You can launch the Health Indicator Designer app using the following command:

%app2 = healthIndicatorDesigner;

After creating a health indicator from the most relevant features, the deployment code generation capability of the app was used to generate the healthIndicator_dclink function that encapsulates the computations needed to generate the scalar health indicator that Health Indicator Designer modeled.

HI = healthIndicator_dclink(featureTable);

The health indicator data along with the corresponding simulation times (once every 30 days) become the training data for the RUL model:

trainingData = timetable(HI, 'VariableNames', {'HealthIndicator'}, 'RowTimes', days(0:30:Tf))
trainingData=25×1 timetable
      Time      HealthIndicator
    ________    _______________

    0 days          0.96562    
    30 days         0.92839    
    60 days         0.89098    
    90 days         0.85339    
    120 days        0.81562    
    150 days        0.77769    
    180 days        0.73697    
    210 days        0.69861    
    240 days        0.66013    
    270 days         0.6215    
    300 days        0.58273    
    330 days        0.53826    
    360 days        0.49927    
    390 days        0.46043    
    420 days         0.4212    
    450 days        0.38189    

In this example, we have only a single simulated run-to-failure data set for training the RUL model. To simulate multiple run-to-failure data sets, we simply perturb the original training data with a small amount of Gaussian noise with a variance of 0.1:

trainingData2 = trainingData;
trainingData2.HealthIndicator = HI .* (1+sqrt(0.1)*randn(size(HI)));

A linear degradation model is first initialized with a number of parameter values and the training data sets are used to fit the model parameters to the training data.

rul = linearDegradationModel( ...
  'Theta', -0.0014, ... % 1/(2*365)
  'ThetaVariance', 1, ...
  'NoiseVariance', 1, ...
  'SlopeDetectionLevel', 0.1, ...
  'LifeTimeVariable', "Time", ...
  'LifeTimeUnit', "days", ...
  'DataVariables', "HealthIndicator");
rul.UserData.Threshold = 0.0;
fit(rul, {trainingData, trainingData2})
rul = 
  linearDegradationModel with properties:

                    Theta: -0.0014
            ThetaVariance: 4.6686e-09
      SlopeDetectionLevel: 0.1000
                    Prior: [1×1 struct]
            NoiseVariance: 0.0426
    SlopeDetectionInstant: []
       CurrentMeasurement: 0
                      Phi: 1.0318
     InitialLifeTimeValue: []
     CurrentLifeTimeValue: []
         LifeTimeVariable: "Time"
             LifeTimeUnit: "days"
            DataVariables: "HealthIndicator"
                 UserData: [1×1 struct]
              UseParallel: 0

Real-Time Prediction of Remaining Useful Lifetime

Execute the following commands in the Command Window to run simulations with the Simulink model now acting as the digital twin of an actual power converter and visualize the RUL predictions of the DC-link capacitor. The estimateRUL_dclink function runs a simulation of the digital twin once every 7 simulated days using the degraded capacitance and ESR values augmented with additional Gaussian noise to imitate real-life degradation uncertainties.

estimateRUL_dclink(rul, t, C, ESR, mdl)

hold on
plot(t, t(end) - t, '--', 'Color', 'm', 'LineWidth', 1.5)
set(gca, 'XLim', days([0 t(end)]))
legend('Predicted RUL','Confidence bound','Confidence bound','Actual RUL')

In an actual deployment of the RUL prediction algorithm, the signal data would be measured by voltage and current sensors on the power converter hardware and features would be extracted from those signals, which would then be fed to the RUL algorithm as the health indicator input.

Until the RUL model detects a significant degradation slope change, the RUL predictions are unreliable. After this initial transition period (i.e., the slope detection instant), the RUL prediction converges quickly to the theoretical (actual) RUL value towards a final lifetime value of 2 years.

The RUL model fit and its predictions can be improved by using more training (feature) data sets constructed from run-to-failure data of actual power converter systems or by trying different RUL models such as the exponential degradation model.


  1. Yuege Zhou, Xuerong Ye and Guofu Zhai, "Degradation model and maintenance strategy of the electrolytic capacitors for electronics applications", 2011 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, Shenzhen, China, 2011, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PHM.2011.5939474.

See Also

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