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Position, velocity, and orientation of moving bicyclist

Since R2021a


[bpos,bvel,bax] = move(bicyclist,T,angh) returns the current positions, bpos, and current velocities, bvel, of the scatterers and the current orientation axes, bax, of the bicyclist. The positions, velocities, and axes are then updated for the next time interval T. angh specifies the heading angle of the bicyclist.


[bpos,bvel,bax] = move(bicyclist,T,angh,speed) also specifies the speed of the bicyclist.


[bpos,bvel,bax] = move(bicyclist,T,angh,speed,coast) also specifies the coasting state, coast, of the bicyclist.


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Plot the positions of all bicyclist scatterers. Assume there are 15 spokes per wheel.

Create a backscatterBicyclist object for a radar system operating at 77 GHz and having a bandwidth of 300 MHz. The sampling rate is twice the bandwidth. The bicyclist is initially 5 meters away from the radar.

bw = 300e6;
fs = 2*bw;
fc = 77e9;
rpos = [0;0;0];
bpos = [5;0;0];
bicyclist = backscatterBicyclist( ...
    'OperatingFrequency',fc,'NumWheelSpokes',15, ...

Obtain the initial position of the scatterers and advance the motion by 1 second.

[bpos,bvel,bax] = move(bicyclist,1,0);

Obtain the number of scatterers and the indices of the wheel scatterers.

N = getNumScatterers(bicyclist);
Nsw = (N-114+1)/2;
idxfrontwheel = (114:(114 + Nsw - 1));
idxrearwheel = (114 + Nsw):N;

Plot the locations of the scatterers.

plot3(bpos(1,1:90),bpos(2,1:90),bpos(3,1:90), ...
axis equal
hold on
plot3(bpos(1,91:99),bpos(2,91:99),bpos(3,91:99), ...
plot3(bpos(1,100:113),bpos(2,100:113),bpos(3,100:113), ...
plot3(bpos(1,idxfrontwheel),bpos(2,idxfrontwheel),bpos(3,idxfrontwheel), ...
plot3(bpos(1,idxrearwheel),bpos(2,idxrearwheel),bpos(3,idxrearwheel), ...
hold off
legend('Frame and rider','Pedals','Rider legs','Front wheel','Rear wheel')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 5 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Frame and rider, Pedals, Rider legs, Front wheel, Rear wheel.

Display an animation of a bicyclist riding in a quarter circle. Use the default property values of the backscatterBicyclist object. The motion is updated at 30 millisecond intervals for 500 steps.

dt = 0.03;
M = 500;
angstep = 90/M;
bicycle = backscatterBicyclist;

for m = 1:M
    [bpos,bvel,bang] = move(bicycle,dt,angstep*m);

Figure Bicyclist Trajectory contains an axes object. The axes object with title Bicyclist Trajectory, xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains a line object which displays its values using only markers.

Input Arguments

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Bicyclist, specified as a backscatterBicyclist object.

Duration of next motion interval, specified as a positive scalar. The scatterer positions and velocities and bicyclist orientation are updated over this time duration. Units are in seconds.

Example: 0.75

Data Types: double

Heading of the bicyclist, specified as a scalar. Heading is measured in the xy-plane from the x-axis towards the y-axis. Units are in degrees.

Example: -34

Data Types: double

Bicyclist speed, specified as a nonnegative scalar. The motion model limits the speed to 60 m/s. Units are in meters per second. Alternatively, you can specify the bicyclist speed using the Speed property of the backscatterBicyclist object.

Example: 8

Data Types: double

Set bicyclist coasting state, specified as false or true. If set to true, the bicyclist is not pedaling, but the wheels are still rotating (freewheeling). If set to false, the bicyclist is pedaling, and the GearTransmissionRatio determines the ratio of wheel rotations to pedal rotations. Alternatively, you can specify the bicyclist coasting state using the Coast property of the backscatterBicyclist object.

Data Types: logical

Output Arguments

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Positions of bicyclist scatterers, returned as a real-valued 3-by-N matrix. Each column represents the Cartesian position, [x;y;z], of one of the bicyclist scatterers. N represents the number of scatterers and can be obtained using the getNumScatterers object function. Units are in meters. See Bicycle Scatterer Indices for the column representing the position of each scatterer.

Data Types: double

Velocities of bicyclist scatterers, returned as a real-valued 3-by-N matrix. Each column represents the Cartesian velocity, [vx;vy;vz], of one of the bicyclist scatterers. N represents the number of scatterers and can be obtained using the getNumScatterers object function. Units are in meters per second. See Bicycle Scatterer Indices for the column representing the velocity of each scatterer.

Data Types: double

Orientation axes of bicyclist, returned as a real-valued 3-by-3 matrix. Units are dimensionless.

Data Types: double

More About

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Bicycle Scatterer Indices

Bicyclist scatterer indices define which columns in the scatterer position or velocity matrices contain the position and velocity data for a specific scatterer. For example, column 92 of bpos specifies the 3-D position of one of the scatterers on a pedal.

The wheel scatterers are equally divided between the wheels. You can determine the total number of wheel scatterers, N, by subtracting 113 from the output of the getNumScatterers function. The number of scatterers per wheel is Nsw = N/2.

Bicyclist Scatterer Indices

Bicyclist ComponentBicyclist Scatterer Index
Frame and rider1 … 90
Pedals91 … 99
Rider legs100 … 113
Front wheel114 … 114 + Nsw - 1
Rear wheel114 + Nsw … 114 + N - 1

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a