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Transform emissions to platform body frame

Since R2021a


EMBODY = emissionsInBody(EMSCENE,BODYFRAME) returns radar emissions converted to the body frame of the platform.



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Convert a reflected radar emission back to radar body frame. Create a radar emitter.

emitter = radarEmitter(1);

Assume the radar is mounted on a platform located at [100 0 -10].

platTxRx = struct('PlatformID', 1, ...
    'Position', [100 0 -10], ...
    'Orientation', quaternion([0 0 0], 'eulerd', 'zyx', 'frame'));

Create a target.

platTgt = struct('PlatformID', 2, ...
    'Position', [20e3 0 -500], ...
    'Orientation', quaternion([45 0 0], 'eulerd', 'zyx', 'frame'), ...
    'Signatures', {rcsSignature});

Emit the signal. The emitted signal is in scenario frame.

simulationTime = 0;
emTx = step(emitter, platTxRx, simulationTime);

Reflect the emission off the target.

emProp = radarChannel(emTx, platTgt);

Convert the emission back to the body frame of the radar.

emRx = emissionsInBody(emProp, platTxRx)
emRx = 
  radarEmission with properties:

              PlatformID: 1
            EmitterIndex: 1
          OriginPosition: [0 0 0]
          OriginVelocity: [0 0 0]
             Orientation: [1x1 quaternion]
             FieldOfView: [1 5]
         CenterFrequency: 300000000
               Bandwidth: 3000000
            WaveformType: 0
          ProcessingGain: 0
        PropagationRange: 0
    PropagationRangeRate: 0
                    EIRP: 100
                     RCS: 0

Input Arguments

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Emissions in scenario coordinates, specified as a cell array of radarEmission objects.

Data Types: cell

Body frame of the platform, specified as a structure. The body frame structure must have the following fields.


A 3-element vector specifying the position of the local reference frame's origin relative to its global frame in meters.

[0 0 0]

A 3-element vector specifying the velocity of the local reference frame's origin relative to its global frame in meters per second.

[0 0 0]

A scalar quaternion or a 3-by-3 real-valued orthonormal rotation matrix specifying the orientation of the local reference frame relative to its global frame.


Any structure that defines the fields above can be used to define a platform's body frame. For example, the structures returned by the platformPoses method on radarScenario object can be used.

Data Types: struct

Output Arguments

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Emissions in body coordinates, returned as a cell array of radarEmission objects

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a