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Provides the information about the outputs the radar is configured to generate

Since R2023b



info(rdr) provides the information about the outputs the radar is configured to generate. The guiMonitor command in Configuration (.cfg) file is used to determine the outputs the radar is configured to generate. To read more about the guiMonitor command, refer the mmWave SDK User guide.

Detections are returned as first output argument of the step function of the mmWaveRadar object. Range Profile, Noise Profile, Range Angle Response, and Range Doppler Response are returned as fields of a structure that is the third output argument of the step function. If the device is not configured to return a particular output, the corresponding output arguments will be empty. Refer to step syntax (measurements) for more information.


Read Information About Outputs

Create connection to TI IWR6843ISK mmWave Radar. When mmWaveRadar object is created without specifying the Configuration (.cfg) file, the default Configuration file is used. The info returns the outputs configured by the default config file, that is, Detections, Range profile and Noise profile. Range profile and Noise profile outputs are fields of measurement structure.

rdr = mmWaveRadar('TI IWR6843ISK') 


ans =  

  1×3 string array 

    "Detections"    "Range profile"    "Noise profile" 

Call mmWaveRadar object to read the radar data. Detections are returned as first output argument of the step function of the mmWaveRadar object. Range Profile and Noise Profile are returned as fields of a structure that is the third output argument of the step function. If the device is not configured to return a particular output, the corresponding output arguments are empty. In this case, Range Angle Response and Range Doppler Response in measurements structure returns empty.

[dets, tim, measurements] = rdr() 
dets =

  1×6 cell array

  Columns 1 through 4

    {1×1 objectDetection}    {1×1 objectDetection}    {1×1 objectDetection}    {1×1 objectDetection}

  Columns 5 through 6

    {1×1 objectDetection}    {1×1 objectDetection}

tim =


measurements = 

  struct with fields:

            RangeProfile: [91.5555 104.8666 110.8167 109.7348 100.9626 94.4952 93.7661 … ] (1×256 double)
            NoiseProfile: [50.8694 47.8826 47.6004 49.2937 49.6935 46.6596 48.2824 53.5034 … ] (1×256 double)
    RangeDopplerResponse: []
      RangeAngleResponse: []
               RangeGrid: [0 0.0424 0.0847 0.1271 0.1694 0.2118 0.2541 0.2965 0.3388 … ] (1×256 double)
             DopplerGrid: []
               AngleGrid: []

Use a different config file that is configured to give more outputs.

% Release the rdr object to update the config file 
installDir = matlabshared.supportpkg.getSupportPackageRoot; 

tiradarCfgFileDir = fullfile(installDir,'toolbox','target', 'supportpackages', 'timmwaveradar', 'configfiles'); 

rdr.ConfigFile = fullfile(tiradarCfgFileDir,'xwr68xx_2Tx_UpdateRate_1.cfg'); 

% Execute the function info and see the outputs expected.

ans =  

  1×5 string array 

    "Detections"    "Range profile"    "Noise profile"    "Range angle response"    "Range doppler resp…" 

Call mmWaveRadar object to read the radar data. Detections are returned as the first output argument of the step function of the mmWaveRadar object. Range Profile Noise Profile, Range Angle Response, and Range Doppler Response are returned as fields of a structure that is the third output argument of the step function.

[dets, tim, measurements] = rdr()

dets =

  1×2 cell array

    {1×1 objectDetection}    {1×1 objectDetection}

tim =


measurements = 

  struct with fields:

            RangeProfile: [94.8244 94.9420 87.5809 79.9141 76.3393 67.2614 72.9057 97.2233 107.9240 109.1939 … ] (1×256 double)
            NoiseProfile: [52.1158 51.1751 52.8214 53.1271 48.4235 51.2927 53.4563 53.8561 52.0923 55.5024 … ] (1×256 double)
    RangeDopplerResponse: [256×16 double]
      RangeAngleResponse: [256×64 double]
               RangeGrid: [0 0.2441 0.4882 0.7324 0.9765 1.2206 1.4647 1.7088 1.9530 2.1971 2.4412 2.6853 … ] (1×256 double)
             DopplerGrid: [-0.9923 -0.8682 -0.7442 -0.6202 -0.4961 -0.3721 -0.2481 -0.1240 0 0.1240 0.2481 … ] (1×16 double)
               AngleGrid: [-90 -75.6385 -69.6359 -64.9922 -61.0450 -57.5383 -54.3409 -51.3752 -48.5904 -45.9514 … ] (1×64 double) 

Execute the function info and see the outputs expected.


ans =  

  1×5 string array  

    "Detections"    "Range profile"    "Noise profile"    "Range angle response"    "Range doppler resp…" 

Note : All outputs excepts Detections are provided as part of the output measurements of step Function

Input Arguments

collapse all

The mmWave radar object with the default or specified properties.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

See Also