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Stop streaming radar data and release the mmWaveRadar object

Since R2023b


release(rdr) stops streaming radar data from the TI mmWave radar board, clears the buffer, and allows changes to non-tunable properties.


If you are using IWRL6432BOOST board in low-power mode, radar data streaming cannot be stopped programmatically by using release function.  Perform a board reset to stop the IWRL6432BOOST sensor from streaming data. This action is required before calling the mmWaveRadar object again after releasing the existing object.

To check if the IWRL6432BOOST board is in low-power mode, see the value of lowPowerCfg property in the Configuration (.cfg) file.


Stop streaming radar data

% Create mmWaveRadar object  

rdr = mmWaveRadar("TI IWR6843ISK", ReadMode = ‘oldest’); 

% Start reading data from the Radar 

[dets,tim] = rdr(); 

% Stop radar streaming and release system object  


% Update non tunable Property ‘ReadMode’ 

rdr.ReadMode = ‘latest’; 

% Start reading data from the Radar  

[dets,tim] = rdr();

Input Arguments

collapse all

The mmWaveRadar sensor object with the default or specified properties.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

See Also