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Send raw serial command to TI mmWave Radar

Since R2023b


response = sendCommand(rdr,command) sends raw serial commands to TI mmWave radar.


The sendCommand function is not supported for IWRL432BOOST board.


Send Command to Enable Static Clutter Removal

rdr = mmWaveRadar("TI IWR6843ISK"); 

% Start reading data from the Radar 

[dets,tim] = rdr(); 

% Send command to enable static clutter removal 

response = sendCommand(rdr, 'clutterRemoval -1 1') 

response =  

    'clutterRemoval -1 1 


Input Arguments

collapse all

The mmWaveRadar sensor object with the default or specified properties.

Command to write to the hardware.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Messages received from the target for every line of commands sent. These messages are a great help when debugging issues. For successful execution, the target returns 'DONE'.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

See Also