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Collect emissions from all emitters in radar scenario

Since R2021a


emissions = emit(scenario) reports signals emitted from all emitters mounted on platforms in the radar scenario, scenario.

[emissions,emitterConfigs] = emit(scenario) also returns the configurations of all emitters at the emission time.

[emissions,emitterConfigs,emitterConfigPIDs] = emit(scenario) also returns the IDs of platforms on which the emitters are mounted.



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Create a radar scenario and add two platforms. Set the position of each platform and add an emitter to each platform.

rs = radarScenario('UpdateRate',1);
plat1 = platform(rs);
plat1.Trajectory.Position = [0,0,0];
emitter1 = radarEmitter(1,'UpdateRate',1);
plat1.Emitters = emitter1;
plat2 = platform(rs);
plat2.Trajectory.Position = [100,0,0];
emitter2 = radarEmitter(2,'UpdateRate',1);
plat2.Emitters = emitter2;

Advance the radar scenario by one time step. Collect the emissions of all emitters in the scenario.

[emissions,configs,sensorConfigPIDs] = emit(rs);

Confirm that there are two emissions, one from each emitter.

disp("There are " + numel(emissions) + " emissions.");
There are 2 emissions.

Display the properties of both emitters after the first time step.

disp("The first emission is:"); ...
The first emission is:
  radarEmission with properties:

              PlatformID: 1
            EmitterIndex: 1
          OriginPosition: [0 0 0]
          OriginVelocity: [0 0 0]
             Orientation: [1x1 quaternion]
             FieldOfView: [1 5]
         CenterFrequency: 300000000
               Bandwidth: 3000000
            WaveformType: 0
          ProcessingGain: 0
        PropagationRange: 0
    PropagationRangeRate: 0
                    EIRP: 100
                     RCS: 0
disp("The second emission is:"); ...
The second emission is:
  radarEmission with properties:

              PlatformID: 2
            EmitterIndex: 2
          OriginPosition: [100 0 0]
          OriginVelocity: [0 0 0]
             Orientation: [1x1 quaternion]
             FieldOfView: [1 5]
         CenterFrequency: 300000000
               Bandwidth: 3000000
            WaveformType: 0
          ProcessingGain: 0
        PropagationRange: 0
    PropagationRangeRate: 0
                    EIRP: 100
                     RCS: 0

Display the configuration of both emitters after the first time step.

disp("The emitter configuration associated with the first emission is:"); ...
The emitter configuration associated with the first emission is:
             EmitterIndex: 1
              IsValidTime: 1
               IsScanDone: 0
              FieldOfView: [1 5]
              RangeLimits: [0 Inf]
          RangeRateLimits: [0 Inf]
    MeasurementParameters: [1x1 struct]
disp("The emitter configuration associated with the second emission is:"); ...
The emitter configuration associated with the second emission is:
             EmitterIndex: 2
              IsValidTime: 1
               IsScanDone: 0
              FieldOfView: [1 5]
              RangeLimits: [0 Inf]
          RangeRateLimits: [0 Inf]
    MeasurementParameters: [1x1 struct]

Display the platform IDs for the emitter configurations.

disp("The emitter configurations are connected with platform IDs: "); ...
The emitter configurations are connected with platform IDs: 
     1     2

Input Arguments

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Radar scenario, specified as a radarScenario object.

Output Arguments

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Emissions of all emitters in the radar scenario, returned as a cell array of emission objects such as radarEmission objects.

Emitter configurations, returned as an array of emitter configuration structures. Each structure contains these fields.


Unique emitter index, returned as a positive integer.


Valid emission time, returned as 0 or 1. IsValidTime is 0 when emitter updates are requested at times that are between update intervals specified by the UpdateInterval property.


Whether the emitter has completed a scan, returned as true or false.


Field of view of the emitter, returned as a two-element vector [azimuth; elevation] in degrees.


Emitter measurement parameters, returned as an array of structures containing the coordinate frame transforms needed to transform positions and velocities in the top-level frame to the current emitter frame.

Platform IDs for emitter configurations in the emitterConfigs output argument, returned as an array of positive integers.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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