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Initialize new track in tracker

Since R2021a


    trackID = initializeTrack(tracker,track) initializes a new track in the tracker. The tracker must be updated at least once before initializing a track. If the track is initialized successfully, the tracker assigns the output trackID to the track, sets the UpdateTime of the track equal to the last step time in the tracker, and synchronizes the data in the input track to the initialized track.

    A warning is issued if the tracker already maintains the maximum number of tracks specified by itsMaxNumTracks property. In this case, the trackID is returned as 0, which indicates a failure to initialize the track.


    trackID = initializeTrack(tracker,track,filter) initializes a new track in the tracker, using a specified tracking filter, filter.


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    Create a radar tracker and update the tracker with detections at t=0 and t=1second.

    tracker = radarTracker
    tracker = 
      radarTracker with properties:
                      TrackerIndex: 0
           FilterInitializationFcn: 'initcvekf'
               AssignmentThreshold: [30 Inf]
                      MaxNumTracks: 100
                  MaxNumDetections: Inf
                     MaxNumSensors: 20
                      OOSMHandling: 'Terminate'
             ConfirmationThreshold: [2 3]
                 DeletionThreshold: [5 5]
                HasCostMatrixInput: false
        HasDetectableTrackIDsInput: false
                   StateParameters: [1x1 struct]
                         NumTracks: 0
                NumConfirmedTracks: 0
    detection1 = objectDetection(0,[1;1;1]);
    detection2 = objectDetection(1,[1.1;1.2;1.1]);
    currentTrack = tracker(detection2,1);

    As seen from the NumTracks property, the tracker now maintains one track.

    tracker = 
      radarTracker with properties:
                      TrackerIndex: 0
           FilterInitializationFcn: 'initcvekf'
               AssignmentThreshold: [30 Inf]
                      MaxNumTracks: 100
                  MaxNumDetections: Inf
                     MaxNumSensors: 20
                      OOSMHandling: 'Terminate'
             ConfirmationThreshold: [2 3]
                 DeletionThreshold: [5 5]
                HasCostMatrixInput: false
        HasDetectableTrackIDsInput: false
                   StateParameters: [1x1 struct]
                         NumTracks: 1
                NumConfirmedTracks: 1

    Create a new track using the objectTrack object.

    newTrack = objectTrack()
    newTrack = 
      objectTrack with properties:
                         TrackID: 1
                        BranchID: 0
                     SourceIndex: 1
                      UpdateTime: 0
                             Age: 1
                           State: [6x1 double]
                 StateCovariance: [6x6 double]
                 StateParameters: [1x1 struct]
                   ObjectClassID: 0
        ObjectClassProbabilities: 1
                      TrackLogic: 'History'
                 TrackLogicState: 1
                     IsConfirmed: 1
                       IsCoasted: 0
                  IsSelfReported: 1
                ObjectAttributes: [1x1 struct]

    Initialize a track in the GNN tracker object using the newly created track.

    trackID = initializeTrack(tracker,newTrack)
    trackID = uint32

    As seen from the NumTracks property, the tracker now maintains two tracks.

    tracker = 
      radarTracker with properties:
                      TrackerIndex: 0
           FilterInitializationFcn: 'initcvekf'
               AssignmentThreshold: [30 Inf]
                      MaxNumTracks: 100
                  MaxNumDetections: Inf
                     MaxNumSensors: 20
                      OOSMHandling: 'Terminate'
             ConfirmationThreshold: [2 3]
                 DeletionThreshold: [5 5]
                HasCostMatrixInput: false
        HasDetectableTrackIDsInput: false
                   StateParameters: [1x1 struct]
                         NumTracks: 2
                NumConfirmedTracks: 2

    Input Arguments

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    Radar tracker, specified as a radarTracker object.

    New track to be initialized, specified as an objectTrack object or a structure. If specified as a structure, the name, variable type, and data size of the fields of the structure must be the same as the name, variable type, and data size of the corresponding properties of the objectTrack object.

    Data Types: struct | object

    Filter object, specified as a trackingKF, trackingEKF, or trackingUKF object.

    Output Arguments

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    Track identifier, returned as a nonnegative integer. trackID is returned as 0 if the track is not initialized successfully.

    Example: 2

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021a