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Select and export generated matching networks as circuit objects from an existing matching network object


cktout = exportCircuits(mnobj) exports the best matching network as a circuit object.


cktout = exportCircuits(mnobj,indexlist) exports only matching networks specified in the index list as an array of circuit objects.



collapse all

Example shows how to export an circuit object from an matchingnetwork object

Create a default matchingnetwork object.

matchnet = matchingnetwork;

Export the best solution among the generated circuits (which is circuit #1 in the list):

cktout1 = exportCircuits(matchnet)
cktout1 = 
  circuit: Circuit element

    ElementNames: {'L'  'L_1'}
        Elements: [1x2 inductor]
           Nodes: [1 2 3]
            Name: 'auto_2'

Note: To see the list of generated circuits use c = circuitDescriptions(matchnet)

Export circuit #2 from the generated matching network solutions using:

cktout2 = exportCircuits(matchnet,2)
cktout2 = 
  circuit: Circuit element

    ElementNames: {'L'  'L_1'}
        Elements: [1x2 inductor]
           Nodes: [1 2 3]
            Name: 'auto_2'

Alternatively, use matchnet.Circuit(2).

This example shows how to export circuit objects from an matchingnetwork object

Design Matching Network

Create an matchingnetwork object with 3 components.

matchnet = matchingnetwork('Components',3);

Export circuits

Export circuits #3 and #4 from the list of generated circuit solutions. The circuits are exported as an array of circuit objects.

cktout = exportCircuits(matchnet,[3 4])
cktout = 
  2x1 circuit array with properties:


Input Arguments

collapse all

Matching network, specified as a matchingnetwork object.

Data Types: char | string

Index list of matching networks to export as circuits, specified as a scalar or a vector.

Data Types: double


To export as RF Circuit Objects (rfckt) objects, type 'help exportCircuits'

Version History

Introduced in R2019a