Design, Visualize and Explore Inverse Chebyshev Filter - I
This example shows how to determine the transfer function for a fifth-order inverse Chebyshev lowpass filter with 1 dB passband attenuation, cutoff frequency of 1 rad/sec, and a minimum attenuation of 50 dB in the stopband. Determine the amplitude response at 2 rad/sec [1].
The rffilter object
is used to design a RF Filter. A filter requires a minimum set of parameters for it to be completely defined. Refer to the table in the rffilter
documentation page which reflects this set of required parameters. Each set of parameters result in its corresponding syntax. Input these parameters as name-value pairs to rffilter
to design the specified filter. Note that the parameters which are required but are not defined assume default values.
After initialization of an rffilter
object, the property DesignData
contains the complete solution of the filter designed. It is a structure which contains fields such as the computed factorized polynomials for the construction of the transfer function.
Design Chebyshev Type II filter
N = 5; % Filter order Fp = 1/(2*pi); % Passband cutoff frequency Ap = 1; % Passband attenuation As = 50; % Stopband attenuation
Use rffilter
object to create a desired filter. The only implementation type for Inverse Chebyshev is 'Transfer function'.
r = rffilter('FilterType','InverseChebyshev','ResponseType','Lowpass', ... 'Implementation','Transfer function','FilterOrder',N, ... 'PassbandFrequency',Fp,'StopbandAttenuation',As, ... 'PassbandAttenuation',Ap);
Generate and Visualize Transfer Function Polynomial
Use tf
function to generate transfer function polynomials.
[numerator, denominator] = tf(r); format long g
Display Numerator21
polynomial coefficients.
disp('Numerator polynomial coefficients of Transfer function');
Numerator polynomial coefficients of Transfer function
0.0347736250821381 0 0.672768334081369 0 2.6032214373595
Display Denominator polynomial coefficients.
disp('Denominator polynomial coefficients of Transfer function');
Denominator polynomial coefficients of Transfer function
1 3.81150884154936 7.2631952221038 8.61344575257214 6.42982763112227 2.6032214373595
Optionally, use Control System Toolbox™ to visualize all transfer functions.
G_s = tf(numerator,denominator)
G_s = From input 1 to output... s^5 1: -------------------------------------------------------- s^5 + 3.812 s^4 + 7.263 s^3 + 8.613 s^2 + 6.43 s + 2.603 0.03477 s^4 + 0.6728 s^2 + 2.603 2: -------------------------------------------------------- s^5 + 3.812 s^4 + 7.263 s^3 + 8.613 s^2 + 6.43 s + 2.603 From input 2 to output... 0.03477 s^4 + 0.6728 s^2 + 2.603 1: -------------------------------------------------------- s^5 + 3.812 s^4 + 7.263 s^3 + 8.613 s^2 + 6.43 s + 2.603 s^5 2: -------------------------------------------------------- s^5 + 3.812 s^4 + 7.263 s^3 + 8.613 s^2 + 6.43 s + 2.603 Continuous-time transfer function.
Visualize Amplitude Response of Filter
frequencies = linspace(0,1,1001); Sparam = sparameters(r, frequencies);
Note: S-parameters computes the transfer function using quadratic (lowpass/highpass) or quartic (bandpass/bandstop) factorized forms. These factors are used to construct the polynomials. The polynomial form is numerically unstable for larger filter order so the preferred form is the factorized quadratic/quartic forms. These factorized parts are present in r.DesignData
. For example, the numerator21
can be accessed using r.DesignData.Numerator21
l = rfplot(Sparam,2,1);
Amplitude Response of Filter at Specified Frequency
freq = 2/(2*pi); hold on; setrfplot('noengunits',false);
Note: To use rfplot
and plot on the same figure use setrfplot
plot(freq*ones(1,101),linspace(-120,20,101)); setrfplot('engunits',false); [~,freq_index]= min(abs(frequencies-freq)); datatip(l,'DataIndex',freq_index);
Using the data tip, the magnitude at 2 rad/sec is found to be -36.59 dB.
Evaluate the exact value at 2 rad/sec.
S_freq = sparameters(r,freq);
As_freq = 20*log10(abs(rfparam(S_freq,2,1)));
sprintf('Amplitude response at 2 rad/sec is %d dB',As_freq)
ans = 'Amplitude response at 2 rad/sec is -3.668925e+01 dB'
Calculate Stopband Frequency at As
Fs = r.DesignData.Auxiliary.Wx*r.PassbandFrequency;
sprintf('Stopband frequency at -%d dB is: %d Hz',As, Fs)
ans = 'Stopband frequency at -50 dB is: 3.500241e-01 Hz'
[1] Ellis, Michael G. Electronic Filter Analysis and Synthesis. Boston: Artech House, 1994.