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Full-control H-infinity synthesis


Full-control synthesis assumes the controller can directly affect both the state vector x and the error signal z. Synthesis with hinffc is the dual of the full-information problem covered by hinffi. For general H synthesis, use hinfsyn.

[K,CL,gamma] = hinffc(P,nmeas) computes the H-optimal control law


for the plant P. The plant is described by the state-space equations:



  • w represents the disturbance inputs

  • u1 represents the inputs that affect the state vector

  • u2 represents the inputs that affect the error

  • z represents the error outputs to be kept small

  • y represents the measurement outputs

nmeas is the number of measurements y, which must be the last outputs of P. The gain matrix K minimizes the H norm of the closed-loop transfer function CL from the disturbance signals w to the error signals z.

[K,CL,gamma] = hinffc(P,nmeas,gamTry) calculates a gain matrix for the target performance level gamTry. Specifying gamTry can be useful when the optimal achievable performance is better than you need for your application. In that case, a less-than-optimal solution can have smaller gains and be more numerically well-conditioned. If gamTry is not achievable, hinffc returns [] for K and CL, and Inf for gamma.

[K,CL,gamma] = hinffc(P,nmeas,gamRange) searches the range gamRange for the best achievable performance. Specify the range with a vector of the form [gmin,gmax]. Limiting the search range can speed up computation by reducing the number of iterations performed to test different performance levels.

[K,CL,gamma] = hinffc(___,opts) specifies additional computation options. To create opts, use hinfsynOptions. Specify opts after all other input arguments.

[K,CL,gamma,info] = hinffc(___) returns a structure containing additional information about the H synthesis computation. You can use this argument with any of the previous syntaxes.

Input Arguments

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Plant, specified as an LTI model such as a state-space (ss) model. If P is a generalized state-space model with uncertain or tunable control design blocks, then hinffc uses the nominal or current value of those elements.

Construct P so that it has the partitioned form



  • w represents the disturbance inputs

  • u1 represents the inputs that affect the state vector

  • u2 represents the inputs that affect the error

  • z represents the error outputs to be kept small

  • y represents the measurement outputs

Construct P such that the nmeas measurement outputs are the last outputs.

For information about conditions imposed on the plant matrices and how the software addresses them, see hinfsyn.

Number of measurement output signals in the plant, specified as a nonnegative integer. hinffc takes the last nmeas plant outputs as the measurements y. The returned gain matrix K has nmeas inputs.

Target performance level, specified as a positive scalar. hinffc attempts to compute a gain matrix such that the H of the closed-loop system does not exceed gamTry. If this performance level is achievable, then the returned gain matrix has gammagamTry. If gamTry is not achievable, hinffc returns an empty matrix.

Performance range for search, specified as a vector of the form [gmin,gmax]. The hinffc command tests only performance levels within that range. It returns a gain matrix with performance:

  • gammagmin, when gmin is achievable.

  • gmin < gamma < gmax, when gmax is achievable and but gmin is not.

  • gamma = Inf when gmax is not achievable. In this case, hinffc returns [] for K and CL.

If you know a range of feasible performance levels, specifying this range can speed up computation by reducing the number of iterations performed by hinffc to test different performance levels.

Additional options for the computation, specified as an options object you create using hinfsynOptions. Available options include displaying algorithm progress at the command line, turning off automatic scaling and regularization, and specifying an optimization method. For more information, see hinfsynOptions.

Output Arguments

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Gain matrix, returned as a matrix or []. The gain-matrix dimensions are nu-by-nmeas, where nu is the number of states plus the number of error outputs of P (outputs not included in nmeas).

If you supply gamTry or gamRange and the specified performance values are not achievable, then K = [].

Closed-loop transfer function, returned as a state-space (ss) model object or []. The returned performance level gamma is the H norm of CL.

If you supply gamTry or gamRange and the specified performance levels are not achievable, then CL = [].

Closed-loop performance, returned as a nonnegative scalar value or Inf. This value is the H norm of CL. If you do not provide performance levels to test using gamTry or gamRange, then gamma is the best achievable performance level.

If you provide gamTry or gamRange, then gamma is the actual performance level achieved by the gain matrix computed for the best passing performance level that the function tries. If the specified performance levels are not achievable, then gamma = Inf.

Additional synthesis data, returned as a structure or [] (if the specified performance level is not achievable). info has the following fields.


Performance level used to compute the gain matrix K, returned as a nonnegative scalar. Typically, hinffc tests multiple target performance levels and returns a gain matrix corresponding to the best passing performance level (see the Algorithms section of hinfsyn for details). The value info.gamma is an upper limit on the actual achieved performance returned as the output argument gamma.


Riccati solution Y for the performance level info.gamma, returned as matrix. For more information, see the Algorithms section of hinfsyn.


Regularized plant used for hinffc computation, returned as a state-space (ss) model object. By default, hinffc automatically adds extra disturbances and errors to the plant to ensure that it meets certain conditions (see the Algorithms section of hinfsyn). The field info.Preg contains the resulting plant model.


For information about the algorithms used for H synthesis, see hinfsyn.


[1] Doyle, J.C., K. Glover, P. Khargonekar, and B. Francis. "State-space solutions to standard H2 and H control problems." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol 34, Number 8, August 1989, pp. 831–847.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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