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Generate stable, random uss objects


usys = randuss(n)
usys = randuss(n,p)
usys = randuss(n,p,m)
usys = randuss(n,p,m,Ts)
usys = randuss


usys = randuss(n) generates an nth order single-input/single-output uncertain continuous-time system. randuss randomly selects from uncertain atoms of type 'ureal', 'ultidyn', and 'ucomplex'.

usys = randuss(n,p) generates an nth order single-input uncertain continuous-time system with p outputs.

usys = randuss(n,p,m) generates an nth order uncertain continuous-time system with p outputs and m inputs.

usys = randuss(n,p,m,Ts) generates an nth order uncertain discrete-time system with p outputs and m inputs. The sample time is Ts.

usys = randuss (without arguments) results in a 1-by-1 uncertain continuous-time uss object with up to four uncertain objects.

In general, both rand and randn are used internally. You can control the result of randuss by setting seeds for both random number generators before calling the function.


The statement creates a fifth order, continuous-time uncertain system s1 of size 2-by-3. Note your display can differ because a random seed is used.

s1 = randuss(5,2,3) 
USS: 5 States, 2 Outputs, 3 Inputs, Continuous System 
  CTPQV: 1x1 LTI, max. gain = 2.2, 1 occurrence                                 
  IGDHN: real, nominal = -4.03, variability = 
[-3.74667  22.7816]%, 1 occurrence 
  MLGCD: complex, nominal = 8.36+3.09i,  +/- 7.07%, 1 occurrence                
  OEDJK: complex, nominal = -0.346-0.296i, radius = 0.895,
1 occurrence         

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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