Use ROS 2 Logger App to Save ROS 2 Messages from Simulink
Use ROS 2 Logger app to record ROS 2 messages during Simulink® simulation, and obtain a ROS 2 bag file with fully synchronized ROS 2 messages saved during simulation.
In this example, you will
Load pre-defined 3D simulation environment provided by Automated Driving Toolbox(TM).
Configure ROS 2 message logging in ROS 2 Logger app.
Visualize logged ROS 2 messages.
Load 3D Simulation Environment
Use the prebuilt Large Parking Lot scene created using the Unreal Engine 3D simulation environment in Simulink. To interactively select a sequence of waypoints from a scene and generate a custom vehicle trajectory, refer to Select Waypoints for Unreal Engine Simulation (Automated Driving Toolbox) example.
% Extract scene for visualization sceneName = 'LargeParkingLot'; [sceneImage, sceneRef] = helperGetSceneImage(sceneName); hScene = figure; helperShowSceneImage(sceneImage, sceneRef) title(sceneName) % Interactively Select Waypoints hFig = helperSelectSceneWaypoints(sceneImage, sceneRef); % Prepare smooth poses for simulation if exist('refPoses','var')==0 || exist('wayPoints','var')==0 % Load MAT-file containing preselected waypoints data = load('waypointsForROSLoggerAppParking'); % Assign to caller workspace assignin('caller','wayPoints',data.wayPoints); assignin('caller','refPoses',data.refPoses); end numPoses = size(refPoses{1}, 1); refDirections = ones(numPoses,1); % Forward-only motion numSmoothPoses = 10 * numPoses; % Increase this to increase the number of returned poses [smoothRefPoses,~,cumLengths] = smoothPathSpline(refPoses{1}, refDirections, numSmoothPoses);
Configure ROS 2 Message Logging
Open the model.
modelName = 'LogROS2MessageFrom3DSimulation';
To launch ROS 2 Logger app and configure saving options, click ROS Logger in Prepare section under Simulation. You can enable or disable ROS 2 messages for saving, define custom file name, and rename messages saved to the ROS 2 bag file based on your preference.
After configuring with ROS 2 Logger app, run these commands to setup model parameters and run the simulation.
% Configure the model to stop simulation at 5 seconds. simStopTime = 5; set_param(gcs, 'StopTime', num2str(simStopTime)); % Create a constant velocity profile by generating a time vector % proportional to the cumulative path length. timeVector = normalize(cumLengths, 'range', [0, simStopTime]); % Create variables required by the Simulink model. refPosesX = [timeVector, smoothRefPoses(:,1)]; refPosesY = [timeVector, smoothRefPoses(:,2)]; refPosesT = [timeVector, smoothRefPoses(:,3)]; % Run the simulation sim(modelName);
After running the simulation, you can see a ROS 2 bag folder generated in your current working directory. Long running simulations take some time to generate ROS 2 bag files.
Visualize Logged ROS 2 Messages
Based on how you setup the "Folder name" in ROS 2 Logger app, the name of the ROS 2 bag folder would be different. In this section, we use folderpath
to represent the path to the generated bag folder.
You can proceed to inspect the bag with "ros2("bag","info",folderpath)
" after you see the message “Successfully logged ROS 2 bag file to…”.
You can inspect the saved PointCloud2 messages with this message.
bagReader = ros2bagreader(folderpath); bagSel = select(bagReader,"Topic","/header_assignment1"); pointCloudMsgs = readMessages(bagSel); ptCloudXYZ = rosReadXYZ(pointCloudMsgs{1,1}); player = pcplayer([-50 100],[-50 100],[-50 100]); ptCloud = pointCloud(ptCloudXYZ); view(player,ptCloud);
You can also inspect the saved Image messages with this message.
bagReader = ros2bagreader(folderpath); bagSel = select(bagReader,"Topic","/header_assignment"); imgMsgs = readMessages(bagSel); img = rosReadImage(imgMsgs{201,1}); imshow(img)
Close the Simulink model and all the windows.
close(hFig) close_system(modelName, 0) close(hScene)