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Create Presentation Objects

Create and format text, paragraph, table, link and picture objects

You can add presentation content objects, such as text, tables, and pictures, to a presentation. You can format those content objects by defining styles that use format objects specific to the type of content object. Also, you can specify formats using content object formatting properties. To get started, see Add and Replace Presentation Content.


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addAdd paragraph to text box
appendAppend content to paragraph
clone Copy PPT API paragraph (Since R2021b)
appendAppend row to table
appendAppend table entry to table row
appendAppend text or paragraph to table entry
replaceReplace text box paragraphs
replaceReplace picture
replaceReplace table with another table
rowAccess table row
entryAccess table entry
pptviewOpen Microsoft PowerPoint presentation or convert it to PDF
rptviewDisplay report or presentation


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mlreportgen.ppt.ExternalLinkHyperlink to location outside of presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.InternalLinkHyperlink to a slide in a presentation (Since R2021a)
mlreportgen.ppt.NumberNumber to include as formatted text in document (Since R2024b)
mlreportgen.ppt.ParagraphFormatted block of text (paragraph)
mlreportgen.ppt.PicturePicture to include in presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.PresentationCreate a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation container
mlreportgen.ppt.SlidePresentation slide
mlreportgen.ppt.TableTable in presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.TableEntryTable entry
mlreportgen.ppt.TableRowTable row
mlreportgen.ppt.TextText to include in a presentation
mlreportgen.ppt.TextBoxText box
mlreportgen.ppt.AutoFitScale text to fit placeholder or text box (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.BackgroundColorBackground color of presentation element (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.BoldBold for text object
mlreportgen.ppt.FontColorFont color
mlreportgen.ppt.FontFamilyFont family
mlreportgen.ppt.FontSizeFont size
mlreportgen.ppt.HAlignHorizontal alignment of paragraph
mlreportgen.ppt.ItalicItalic for text object
mlreportgen.ppt.StrikeStrikethrough text
mlreportgen.ppt.SubscriptSubscript text
mlreportgen.ppt.SuperscriptSuperscript text
mlreportgen.ppt.UnderlineUnderline text
mlreportgen.ppt.NumberFormatNumber formatting (Since R2024b)
mlreportgen.ppt.BorderBorder of a table or table entry (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.ColSepTable column separators (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.ColSpecFormatting for table column
mlreportgen.ppt.ColWidthTable column width
mlreportgen.ppt.FlowDirectionTable column flow direction (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.RowHeightTable row height (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.RowSepTable row separators (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.TableStyleOptionsStripe table rows and columns
mlreportgen.ppt.TextOrientationOrientation of text in a table entry (Since R2020a)
mlreportgen.ppt.VAlignVertical alignment of table entry content
